Chapter 2

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The Storian had written enough information about [Y/N] of Thandelane for Leonora to know what she was dealing with. Rather unluckily. Despite being one herself, she found Readers to be a nuisance. A plague in the schools. A nasty reminder of who Lesso used to be, how pathetic she had been back then.

[Y/N]'s personality leaned more into Ever traits, and if being a Reader wasn't enough, she just had to be Lesso's walking nightmare. Polite. Sophisticated. Beautiful.  Leonora can distinctly remember Storian writing those words on every page. It wasn't surprising how true it was, considering Storian never lies, sadly. She had started out by saying [Y/N] was the chosen one from the mortal world. The girl had accelerated and skipped 2 grades, which Lesso could care less about, but it proved her smartness at least. The Dean of Evil could work with smart. And to put a cherry on top, [Y/N] would change one's life in this world, allegedly. Leonora prayed it wasn't her life. She's much content with whatever she has now, thank you. She doesn't need a prissy, perfect princess to mess with that.

Walking down the halls of then the School for Good, Lesso tries to suppress a shiver at the colours and Everness it represents. Agatha and Sophie may have done well in proving both schools' problematic hidden agendas thanks to that imbecile, Rafal, but her hobby of disliking Good had stubbornly stuck with her. Everything felt repulsive and icky in this school. She brushes it off, gulping down the lump in her throat as her feet ache to run back to her school. Change was a pain in the ass. Thankfully, it wasn't just her who felt the same. Professor Dovey, whom she'll confess she sees as her true love platonically, disdainfully so, had the courage to admit to Lesso how untoward these past events had been. It was a relief to know it wasn't just her who felt weirded out. Their students were overjoyed and beyond ecstatic with the news, however, Lesso may be evil, but she wasn't the embodiment of the devil itself. She helped with the shift as much as she could to improve both schools instead of sitting out like she'd normally do. Now, instead of the School for Good and Evil, it became the School for Girls and Boys. Gross, she thought then, but the children were more excited and motivated than they had been the past few years. Courses and subjects from Good and Evil were to be taught at both schools equally. The major and minor events shall still be implemented. They sent out letters and articles to the hero and villain parents to inform them of the new schools. It had been 2 months after those, and next week was going to be the first day of everything.

The School for Girls and Boys was the kind of change Lesso knew she'd gradually get used to. The Reader thing, though? She's not used to that, yet. She may not ever get used to that. Especially not when the Reader arrived a week early. Storian hadn't written anything about that. The girl had been dropped in front of the School for Girls, passed out, and dressed in what Leonora assumed was clothing for mortals. Too simple and very lazy.

Lesso knocks on Dovey's door and goes in before the Good Dean can mumble a word.

You stood stupidly in the center of the room, your head spinning with the laid-out pieces of information. Your brain refuses to cooperate with such.

For some reason, Leonora couldn't bear to look at you and throw a pained expression on Dovey's way. It was similar to Erika's face when she was eager to get out of the Ancient World period, "Can I speak with you?"

Dovey raises a finger on Lesso, focuses all her attention on you, and hands a book entitled School for Girls handbook. Your hands shook as you accepted it. It felt like a bombardment--- the school tour, this world in general, the fact that this is literally another world--- bomfuckingbardment.

Lesso crosses her arms like that could protect her from the plague that is you, "Is she finally settled in?" instead of that voice she uses in your dreams, her tone is laced with contempt. You couldn't linger your thoughts too much on it since your brain cells were still stuck on the fact that you've been kidnapped to another world. Another fucking world. A fairy tale world. It's never gonna sink in, is it?

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