Chapter 3

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"Stay with me," her hold tightened, ever so softly and caring. Vulnerable, and very much unlike her. Her eyes refuse to meet with yours, and you debate whether or not to caress her face and have her look at you. You didn't, and you let her continue holding you in tranquil silence, you figured she needed this kind of comfort and care. These past few weeks-- which you find hard to remember-- have been a heavy burden on both of you. Something had occurred, foreseen and told, and still, it came as a shock. Whatever 'it' was, you couldn't put a name to it, but your heart broke at the thought.

Laying down on your bed with her wild red hair spread and messy, just like any other dream, was Lady Lesso. You had rested comfortably on top of her, bare skin to bare skin. Whenever she breathed, you could feel her chest heaving and sinking. This dream was particularly different for numerous reasons. For instance, instead of being daytime, the moon shone brightly from your bedroom window. Not only that, you could fully see her face in the dark room. She wasn't a silhouette you tried painting false features in an attempt to remember. She was visible.  And you can actually touch and feel every inch of Lady Lesso. 

This was so different. And so, so intimate. The brilliance of the human brain is one to blame, most definitely, and not your unreasonable attraction for the Dean.

Lessos's face haunted fear and unease, a contrast from those dreams where she wasn't at all. You brushed light touches on her smooth skin, "You say that like I wouldn't."

She lets out a flimsy chuckle, and you shoot her a small smile. "You shouldn't," her fingers started playing with your hair as you lay your head on her chest. You hear her heart beating frantically. "I feel selfish, and this coming from a villain."

"Stop it." your voice wavered, and you didn't know why, but you could feel her slipping through. Perhaps she felt the same towards you because her hold tightened once again. You didn't mind, but it messed slightly with your head. It felt like she was losing you, and you were letting her so freely.

"I love you."

Your breath hitched, but you gathered your courage to answer just as confidently, "I love you, too."

Silence. The chirping of the birds outside and the sound of the School for Boys' lake made your ears perk up, waiting for Lesso to say something. Anything. Anything but the matter at hand.

"Stay with me, then." she pleads once more, although you've made up your mind and assured her of that, uncertainty echoed in the air. It was almost as if you weren't the one to choose between the choices, and your fate wasn't depending on you. As though your willingness to stay couldn't amount to the bigger forces at work. But oh, were you so very willing to stay. For Lesso. For the life you've been needing. For the evermore promised.

"I will."


"Earth to [Y/N]!" Agatha exclaims, and you hide the slight jump your feet made as you snap yourself back to reality. She looks at you with great concern, and you smile innocently. You mumbled gratefully to whatever angel was out there when Agatha turned her back dismissively on you and continued preparing the bows and arrows that were laid out.

Perks of being in school early? Archery, apparently. And tons of other activities free of teenagers. Agatha had dragged the both of you to the field when you mentioned your very slight interest in bows, her eyes even sparkled as she listened to you. Sophie, on the other hand, didn't feel up to doing anything un-princessly. You didn't mull over much on what that meant and left the blonde in your dorm. There were still students on the premises, but only rarely did you ever see them. Either they were busy with their own stuff, or they saw you and bolted out. Not everyone despises Readers, but not everyone tolerates them. You've learned to accept that as you imitate Agatha's form. During your time on Earth--which seemed so long ago now-- you studied various sports and terms. It was a hobby you'd outgrown when you entered college. But you feel satisfied now that it comes in handy, especially in archery. You'll admit, you've only shot arrows at least 2 times your whole life, and the first time was with your ex-girlfriend's help, so there's that. You weren't bad, though, you were just not that experienced.

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