Chapter 4

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You felt powerless. Your entire life, your parents made sure you knew your worth and made it clear that not a single person has any right to trample on your identity. They trained you to be and feel powerful. For 19 years, you'd depended on their lectures to keep you going even amid weakness and exhaustion. All those years of knowing your self-worth and learning to be powerful fell down the drain in seconds as Lady Lesso paced in front of the class, swaying hip to hip as she called out every girl to show their power. Those who had taken you aback barely impressed Lady Lesso. She had given them a disappointed look and made it her mission to make them feel bad. Isabela, though, had impressed the class with her display of power. She insisted her power was feminity, and Lady Lesso couldn't find it in her to argue with that as she left the girl's desk with a satisfied nod, her high-heeled black boots clacking when she took a step. Towards you. You had embarrassingly shook your head and declined the Dean. That was a wrong move because she had cast an infuriated look at you and urged you to stand. There was so much tension in the air, and your hands visibly trembled. Your mom's voice had been drowned out by Lady Lesso's taunting. Show me your power, Reader.  You blinked twice, having nothing to show. Nothing to answer, too. Seconds passed by, and the students went from being quiet to murmuring and giggling at your disobedience. You weren't being impolite. But Lady Lesso raised an eyebrow at you and came across as disrespected. She told you to sit down, and for the rest of the class, she glared at you. 

You had already made a bad impression on Professor Dovey this morning, and despite her assurance that it was all okay, you knew you had disappointed the professor. And now you had been entitled insolent. Whenever you pass by a group of girls, they'd whisper, impressed at the apparent stunt you pulled on Lady Lesso. Of all the teachers, they stressed how you made the wrong choice to mess with the one that could make your life a living hell. You tried to defend yourself to Agatha and Sophie, and while they believed you, they warned you just the same as those who had seen the interaction. 'Be careful around Lady Lesso.' You were basically left defenseless.

The first day was really getting to you, and you couldn't have that. You needed to talk with Lady Lesso. You were a teacher's pet, and if not, you were mostly on their good side. You needed good grades and assurance that you had a decent job and life after college. You worked your ass off to be the perfect fucking student they'd love and made it hard for them to mark you with anything less than 4.0. So, after classes that had you worn out with terms you could barely understand, you marched through beautifully designed columns, the view outside the school visible. You'd truly rather get yourself lost in it, but you had things to do. Stuff to clear up. Your thoughts lingered on home. Your parents. Erika. They'd handle this situation less delicately, and you were certain faces were getting slapped as of now. Screams of how-dare-yous and whatnot would be thrown around, you'd be against it most of the time, but right now it all seemed more appealing than anything. You shake the thoughts, not wanting to be this homesick with the sun still up. You looked straight. It didn't take long for you to reach your destination. On the door, Lady Lesso's name with her title beneath was engraved bewitchingly. Which made sense, she was a witch. A witch who had it out for you. You push past the churning in your gut that prickled on your skin. Your feet were practically begging for you to run away as fast as you could.

You didn't, you knocked instead. Two times. Your father, who was a businessman, taught you three times that would make people look too desperate to be in one's presence. How he'd thought of that, you didn't know, but it stuck around with you.

The door opened, yet there was no sign of Lady Lesso. How the fuck did the door move, then? You didn't wonder too long and took a cautious step inside. Her office was big, similar to Professor Dovey's. There was a vast difference, though. While Professor Dovey's felt homey and was puked in light colors-- to ensure that she was of Good-- Lady Lesso's was one of the darkest rooms you've ever stepped into. Literally and figuratively. The walls were painted the color of nightfall, the same color you'd used as a background for your painting of hers. Her amethyst desk which had papers stacked on top was highlighted with various souvenirs scattered beneath. She had put on a curtain the darkest of black on her window, probably to keep students from the archery field to sneak a glance at whatever Lady Lesso would be doing. The whole room was the epitome of a fairy tale villain's character. You divulged in it. It wasn't always that witches and everything that was made up of them were a thing of beauty. A dreadful stereotype, but you get the point. When you were a child, you were read stories of pretty heroes and hideous villains. So it wasn't a surprise it still amazes you how different things can be. How Lady Lesso and all that is her was so pretty.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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