chapter thirty-six

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Chapter 36

Mina Bennett entered the house first with Elijah and Elyza Mikaelson following hot on her trail. While she was excited to finally be at peace with the Mikaelsons, she also wanted to be sure Klaus hadn't ruined everything and hurt Bonnie.

Because while she knew Klaus loved her, sometimes love just wasn't enough.

And she knew that for a fact.

Seeing the two in the living room while Bonnie had a glass of what was obviously tea in her hand, Mina smiled.

Elyza glanced down at Bonnie's stomach before looking up. She kind of expected a magical pregnancy to be a little bit more... well, magical. But there was nothing there other than an oversized burgundy t-shirt.

"Well, let's get this done, shall we?" Mina smiled, clapping her hands together.

Elyza looked at Bonnie, wondering if she was actually going to let them go through with the spell to confirm that a vampire had gotten her pregnant. When the younger Bennett stood, grabbing the knife from the table, she nodded. "I'm sure we all know how this works, but just bleed on the table and Klaus will do the same, and if there's anything in your blood that is his then boom."

"And how do I know you will actually try with your best ability to preform the spell correctly?"

Kol skipped down the stairs like a child on Christmas day. "My love," He called. "Are you on vervain?"

"No, why?"

Before Kol could respond, Klaus had her against the wall by her shoulders, commanding her to do the spell correctly as she did with Henrik. With a nod, Klaus knew the magic behind his compulsion had taken effect.

"Nik!" Kol shouted. He had asked the question because he planned to do it himself.

Ignoring him, everyone's attention turned to Elyza. Her compulsion made her facial expressions blank and her voice monotone as she spoke the spell over both Bonnie and Klaus's blood. Mina stood on her tiptoes to see as the blood slowly, very slowly, moved towards each other and started to combine.

Magic had spoke.

The child Bonnie was carrying was fathered by Niklaus Mikaelson himself.

Stepping back from the table on shaky feet, Klaus looked over at Bonnie. "I—"

"What the fuck?" Elyza exclaimed coming off of the compulsion. No one knew if she was talking about the revelation of Bonnie's hybrid baby or Niklaus compelling her.

"Magic made you a vampire, but nature made you a wolf, Klaus," Bonnie explained, walking towards the hybrid. When Klaus started to apologize, Bonnie held her hand up, stopping him. "It's my time to talk." Turning around to face everyone, she started again. "And I want all of you to listen."

Mina cleared her throat. "You heard the woman." Sitting on the couch, Elyza followed and Kol took a seat by his wife. Moving around Bonnie, Klaus sat on the armchair and Elijah sat adjacent to him. "The floor is yours, Bon."

Bonnie sucked in a breath before turning around to face Elyza. She was the first person who she needed to clear the air with. "I didn't know of Elena and Jeremy's plan to kill Kol that day. We've been under the same roof for almost two months now and if you truly believe that I would hurt him or worse, then I would hate me too. But I won't."

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