Sun's Secret diary

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It wouldn't be a surprise if sun was hiding secrets and thoughts for others, sun owned a diary , a leather cover one in fact, The diary dated back years to when sun and moon shared a body.

And today someone finds out and they get a bit.. Concerned

Sun was laying on his bed which he had to admit was a mess, The room was a mess but not where he put his stuff, The diary was tucked away on a high cabinet so no one would read it.

But then..

Hey sunn??

But no response

Moon went into sun's room which he barely did but he needed to talk to sun, Moon looked at the mess of a room but somehow clean in a way.

Moon didn't think it would be too bad to snoop around sun's room , who would know..

Moon looked around the room but one thing piqued his interest.

A leather book..? Why would sun have this?

Moon had second thoughts on opening the book but opened it anyways and it was revealed to be a diary , Dating back to when they were first online , Moon didn't know this book existed till now so it was a surprise for it to be this old..

Moon flipped through the pages , reading and reading, Moon took note that sun seemed to know more than he shows, Knowing another entity or p now eclipse was in his head but decided to try and befriend them and not tell him..

It was all.. odd , the first few pages were filled with doodles.. 8/10 not the best but good, The first written pages were about moon.. about how he treated sun before separation, but a lot of the pages were about how sun felt about their family or about how he felt about everyone.. Some he would never disclose , some he could talk about freely.. but most of the pages showed a different side of sun..

A smarter sun a sun moon didn't know existed for a while..

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