I know (A)

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Moon soon noticed something weird about sun , he was.. distant.. he would cut conversations short , and.. stay in his room for long periods of time , it concerned him so he went to ask suns about it, but soon he saw sun's diary on the ground , he must've left it here..

Moon picked it up and flipped through the pages until.. "Descriptions" it was weird , it had a lot of everyone sun and at least met , their weakness their fears their personality.. moon saw his own and it was pretty much accurate to a point.. it scared moon , this wasn't like sun,what was he gonna do?

Moon then saw the page "Ideas" there were weird things.. like plans , it was concerning, he had to confront sun about it

Moon then jumped down to see sun cleaning the barrels like he usually did , Moon held the first tight as he was going to confront sun

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Moon then jumped down to see sun cleaning the barrels like he usually did , Moon held the first tight as he was going to confront sun..

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