Do i even know you?

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Sun was cleaning as usual until he saw his brother approaching him , he was confused until he saw a familiar book moon was carrying , sun's entire world stopped , moon found out , all his secrets his thoughts...  moon was gonna confront him , why did it have to happen like this , sun looked back at moon terrified.

Sun.. I need to talk to you

Sun knew it his plans were stopped before they even happened , he couldn't escape , he couldn't.. moon knew..

W-why moon..?

He hated himself for his habit for stuttering , made him look so.. weak.. but that was okay he was terrified..

Moon pulled out sun's diary and put it infront of his face

This sun..

Sun knew it moon read it every page.. Hwy would moon do this , could he at least not go through his stuff!? He should've hid it better , now moon's gonna talk about it , treat him differently..

W-what!? Y-you..

Yes I found and read it..

But why-

No sun.. I have a question for you.. What is this plan? As your brother-

Sun hated those three words that reasoning that excuse "As your brother" it wasn't even funny , sun couldn't take it , all this pent up anger , reading all his secrets , going behind his back , not letting him have  simple privacy , and making fun of him and being forgiven for it?

He had to tell him..

It's always "As your brother" isn't it?

What do you mean? Of course-

Well, As your brother can you not go through my stuff! Can you not go behind my back?!

Moon was silent , sun talking back to him? Well it happens but not always..

It's always this with you! That's why I have a diary! So i can write down how I feel without being judged for it! And what are you gonna do? I doubt you see me the same..

Moon then suddenly felt guilty.. was he in the wrong? Sun barely blows up at him.. or at all!

I'm just worried for you.. like your whole plan thing to prove you aren't dumb.. is that your not exactly-

Exactly what? Smart as you? Is that what you were gonna say?

That's made moon sound bad , he didn't want to hurt sun's feelings so he tried to word it differently but failed trying so

No no.. I mean like not.. yeah not as smart? Like you can barely even fix an arcade machine hell even do what I'm doing!

Sun was angry but he had to let it in.  Yeah but he is smarter than what he shows he just didn't want that.. Pressure

Cause like when I read that diary of yours it's as if.. I barely know you.. I saw a different sun.. like I just want to talk about it? Y'know?

Sun was silent and let the anger go he was the more.. Reasonable one as people said it?

I was just hoping.. you wouldn't see me as..

•Hiya!! New chapter! This is a long one! Or well a good one! 500+ words!!! Thank you so much! For

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•Hiya!! New chapter! This is a long one! Or well a good one! 500+ words!!! Thank you so much! For.. everything..⭐️

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