Not the response i expected

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Moon was waiting for sun to get out of that dimension..

"Why would sun even go that dimension.."

Moon thought, Did sun not want them to separate? Why? The separation did them wonders! Why would sun go to a dimension where they never did it..

"Does sun want me to go through that again? Stuck? What kind of sick joke is thi-"

Moon stopped. His mind was deep in thought, anger boiling inside , first of all he was angry at sun, second he was sad, Sun went behind his back to go to a possibly and very Dangerous dimension, and it had to be that dimension..

He was going to talk to sun about this once he gets back..

"Hopefully he's not hurt.."

Moon then heard the portal opening, he saw sun pop out of the ballpit, as he started to jump down to him


Sun looked panicked as he started to back away , sun was scared of him.. he didn't like that.

What did that Moon do.

Moon thought, another thing popped into moon's head , Why was sun making no sound..?

Sun would be screaming, yelling or at least beg..

He wasn't making a sound.

Not even one

But his eyes showed fear, intense fear.

"Sun..?  Are you okay..?"

"Its me sun its alright.."

"Sun! Speak to me? And what were you doing there!? You could've gotten killed!"

But sun didn't speak. After all nothing could come out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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