Chapter 5: Um...Hi

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(POV: America)

I don't even know what happened. One minute we were having another boring UN meeting, the next four states were sitting on the meeting table. I wasn't sure what to do.

Luckly, before I could even speak, UN did. "Um, who are you? I know every country, and i don't recognize you four."

"We're not countries dindus," New York replied with her typical sass.

"I used to be a country."

New York just glared at Texas and he shut up. Which is pretty impressive, almost no one can get Texas to shut up. Maybe it was because they'd never been here before.

At least I really really hope they'd never been here before.

New York then looked UN dead in the eye and said, "And even if we were, I'm not sure I'd want to know you."

No one knew how to respond to that.

You don't just disrespect UN like that.

But I guess the states are never going to respect anyone.

Except DC. Although they more fear her than respect her.

And Dixie, but only the ones who are her kids respect her.

And Confederate, but that's because he doesn't have that many rules for them. He just says "No dying and no reveling yourselves" and lets them do what they want.

He's going to murder them.

And me. All of them respect me.

I need to stop this, don't I.

I let out a sharp whistle. All four of the states that were here looked at me in seconds. I let my sunglasses slip down to where the tip of my nose is when I'm in human form, and glared daggers at them.

"You know," I said in my calm voice. "This might be the first time Confederate and DC are going to agree you need to be punished."

They looked at me sheepishly and said nothing.

"You have five seconds to explain. Go."

None of them spoke.

"Fine. We'll talk later." I reached over and grabbed them, two states in each hand. That might sound hard, but I've had plenty of practice. You'd be surprised how often I need to drag states away from something.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Three seconds later, it opened. And in came Dixie.

"Hey there Acknowledged Ones!"

"Really?" I looked at her.

She just shrugged. "It's true."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Did you just come up with that?"

"You know it. Now then,-" She looked over at the states. "-you're coming with me. The Thirteen, well twelve I guess,-" she glared at New York."-have the whole house upside down looking for you, and DC says you're setting it back to how it was."

"That's going to take all day though!"

"You want to argue with her, be my guest. But Confederate and I aren't pulling you out of this."

The states looked down. Confederate, Dixie and I are the only ones who can ever convince DC out of anything. They aren't getting out of this.

Not that they should. "Don't reveal yourself" is our second most important rule (right below "No one dies because of the states. Ever." put in right after the Civil War.)

California glanced up at me. "No. I won't either." She looked down, completely defeated.

"Okay, I'm just going to say what we're all thinking." France spoke up. "Who are you, and who are you talking about?"

I sighed. There was no getting out of this.

"Dixie and Confederate are my siblings."

"Hello!" Dixie smiled and waved.

"And the rest of them...

"We're the US of the A! The States that are United!" Florida piped up.

Everyone stared. I wish I knew what was going through their heads in that moment. I decided to clear one thing up for them.

"They're also," I said, "my children."


Word count: 600

How, how is this at 884 reads?!?! It doesn't even have a real plot yet!! WHERE ARE YOU COMING FROM!?!?!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

So, if you like this so far, could you maybe read my other books? This book probably isn't going to be updated all that much. It's more of a side thing.

Well, either way, once again, thank you!


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