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When I came to, I was surrounded by darkness and a stench that could make a corpse nauseous. It took all of my strength to hold back the bile in my throat with my pounding headache I have. I could hear rustling all around me and snickering. My heart was caught in my throat and my breathing was constricted from my sheer panic.

I try to move and felt my hands were bound behind my back and my ankles as well. I remind myself to breath. Inhale, hold, exhale, hold. Over and over but it wasn't working. Inhale...1..2..3..4, exhale...1..2..3..4, again it wasn't working, my eyes pricked with tears as I couldn't calm down. Finally the monster who attacked me came closer and chuckled into my face.

    "Ah... look at her... the princess is going to shed some tears for us." He laughed, "don't worry darling," he gripped my face suddenly my bruises aching making me wince, "we'll be swift to kill ya." He says as he shoved my face away once my tears started to fall. He stepped away from me and I felt more gather around and grab me picking me up and dragging me backwards and I started to scream and tried to thrash. I only got punched and told to shut up.

I started to pray to God that someone would save me before I died. I felt silent tears falling down my face and tried to asses my body. My knees were bruised and one looked super swollen and red, they throbbed and felt like they were in fire. My wrists and ankles had rope burn, my face had a new bruise forming and my head was splitting in an ache that made my vision blurry.

There would be barely any chance of me making it out of here by myself. The old run down house I was in was almost completely dark besides the fireplace that on the other side of the room from me. I could suddenly hear a commotion outside and I perked my ears to the noise. The men around me started to speak to each other frantically in an unfamiliar language. The leader came up to me pulling me by the bodice of my dress so close that I could smell his rotting teeth.

"Does the Prince miss this trash?" He growled and I felt a surge of courage and spit in his eyes and bang my forehead against his. It rattled my head to a point I felt like I was barely conscious. He roared and kicked me to the ground. I groaned as my ribs cracked and I could feel the bruise forming already.

"You little cunt!" He growled at me and ounces on me, holding me by my neck to the floor. "You just can't help being an ugly bastard huh?" I ask sarcastically as felt my head throb and I gag from nausea, that's not a good sign when you've been hit in the head one too many times in succession. He growls at me again before slapping me across the face. I groan and finally the bile in my throat finally comes up and I puke all over his feet. He yells in protest and all though I hate how I feel I can't help but smile at him in retaliation.

"Suck my foot you corpse bitch." I groan out as i falter and lose strength falling back against the ground. I could feel my body losing its fight and tears were pricking my eyes and a limp was forming in my throat.

The door to the cottage slung open and in the doorway was shadow man. I sighed In relief and cry out to him, "Please!" I felt tears streaming down my face. All of the men inside began to pounce like felines. But he was unfazed as he slung then into walls and broke some of their bones. He made his way forward menacingly.

"Our prince." The leader of these monsters bowed sarcastically, "we found this human in our territory, we decided it was fit to kill her." He spoke only to be shushed by shadow man's gloves hand clasping around his throat.

"To bad I feel like a tyrant right now." He growled and threw the man into the fireplace. When his body was kicked with flames he went up in a spark of ash and blue light. I gasp and jerk my head away from watching. Shadow man dropped by my side and I finally saw his cloak was off his head. He had half a mask on covering his upper face but his lower chin and jaw was an olive color covered in raised silver markings trailing all over almost like veins. He wore a shirt that covered his neck and and no other part of his skin was displayed. His hair was a shining silver like the veins under his skin. His hair was cropped above his ears and pushed straight back out of his face in short waves. His eyes were green and I felt mesmerized.

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