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When I gained my awareness again, I felt my body shivering with fever. I open my eyes and glance around. I wasn't in my room and I was currently on a sofa covered in a wool woven black blanket. I groan as my body protests my movements in achey torment.

My ears perk to the sound of fabric grazing against each other. I look at the origin of it and find a silhouette I do not recognize. "Who are You?" I whisper my question in pain. The figure turns to me and I'm pierced with grey eyes.

"You have no right to that information," his deep voice takes through the silence chillingly," The real question is, 'Who are you?'." He finishes with a deep frown and penetrating me with a scowl. I shiver at the intensity of his glare and take a deep breath to steady myself.

"I'm Angeletta Clarice Rose." I answer quietly. I grasp my hands together in my laps. I avoided looking his direction. My head aches and the frown he is sending is making my confusion hurt my head worse. My heart thudded loudly with anxiety.

"You're trespassing, Ms.Rose. I dare say that the official law of Noxspire is to lock up anyone who is an intruder. What say you?" He growls to me in an accusatory tone and my heart leaps further into anxiety.

"I...I'm sorry!" I begin to plead with him tears forming in my eyes, this illness had made me lose all types of self control I had learned. My emotions were soaring into the heavens and seemed to be so far out of my clutches that I couldn't hope to reign them in anytime soon.

"What is your game? What family are you from that made you think coming into a Royal Castle uninvited was a good idea? Huh?," his voice was raising in volume and I clutched my ears from the pain that it had reverberated throughout my skull. "What powers do you posses to think that you could go against any of the De Silva's!? Huh!? Tell me, were you to assassinate one of the royal family members!?" His shouting seemed as though it must hurt himself at this point. The tears fell freely down my face and I held my face in my hands.

I was yanked by my forearm and my hands fell from my face forcefully. But, when that hand touched me a silver glow emitted from where our two flesh were in contact. His eyes sparked in surprise and I looked at him for answers to his magic since it isn't coming from myself, a human."

The man was close now and I could tell he was a rakishly handsome man, he had a scruffy face and dark under eye bags, his hair was a strawberry blonde nearly auburn and his face and jaw were angular and strong. His build was wide and he looked as though he could lift a mule single handedly. His eyes and face fell from his surprise and he quickly released me from his grip.

I looked at him blankly, trying to figure out what is happening. His eyes become apologetic but his face was blank like me. We seem to be mirroring the other. I look to my wrist and am surprised to find an almost glowing mark in my skin. It's beautiful, a dove and a golden eagle swirling each other in flight. I look to him confused and allow my brows to furrow.

"What did you do to me?" I inquire the strawberry culprit. He blinks confusedly at me.

"What do you mean? Did you lose your parents young? You should know what that is." He informs me pointedly with a snappy tone. I frown more and rub my aching temples.

"Just explain. Please." I beg him in a whisper. My voice cracking from the torment of my fever.

"Perhaps you should lay down and rest. I must've frightened you. I'm sorry." He attempts to dismiss and ignore my pleas and I raise a brow at him. I shake my head in refusal.

"I may have had a fever but I need to know why I've acquired a mark from someone who is a stranger to me." I state pointedly. I'm not to be trifled with, I'm too tired for games.

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