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I swear I never had any ill intent or meant to hurt anyone's feelings. I just needed to get away and I never thought I'd be followed either. I didn't pick up on the footsteps that seem to blend into mine as I rounded a corner in the gardens.

    Suddenly I'm being shoved against the stone wall of a nearby pavilion I was passing and I gasp for breath that I have just lost. I look up at my offender and I'm taken off guard when I see it's the de Silva brothers uncle, Thomas. He has this nasty scowl and his brown eyes are glaring into me under blonde eyebrows.

     "What is your race? Huh? How come some smelly female is sniffing around Westvale? Are you trying to invade? You don't smell like a Spirian so spit the truth dear Angel." He growls out the aggressive questions and I'm now seeing how ugly of an attitude this man has. I try to shove him away from me but he presses his forearm into my collarbones and keeps me pinned with progressively more pressure. I'm suddenly having a flash of panic as I remember Victor.

I start to panic and begin flailing and crying out to get him away from me. He starts to cut off my air by the pressure and I gasp as tears stream down my face. I truly didn't think I'd be this weak, I thought I'd healed from the stupidity of being weak around bad men.

"I-" I start with a whimper, "I'm not sure!" I gasp and try to kick at him weakly. "My father is from one village but I've never known where my mother was from! Please believe me." I gasp out slowly each word sounding strained and airy. I slaw at him through my gloves. I wish I had some form of telekinesis right about now.

Suddenly he's being thrown away from me and I'm falling to my knees and my vision is going dark and stars are swarming the edges. He grunts and begins yelling at me through a muffled veil. It's like I was drowning and someone was yelling at me. The panic still hasn't subsided and I feel myself being yanked roughly by my wrist and I feel it pull and pop. I cry and seethe through my teeth at the pain.

He's still yelling and it seems as though he's yelling in spirian cause I can't understand him. My vision has returned to normal but the panic has only intensified. I cry and plead to him to stop and leave me alone and finally he has had his fill and leaves me alone in the garden. I'm suspecting he doesn't want to be caught with a blubbering woman alone. It would definitely ruin what reputation he may have built for himself.

Since I'm alone I curl my good arm around my waist and cradle my bad one on my knees as I crouch to try and ground myself. A sob comes out from my lips and I whimper with trembling lips as I try to hold in my crying. I'm such a fool to think I could have healed mentally. It's like I freeze in response to men who are aggressive. Usually I've been saved each time by Arthur or Mary or even my Pa. But I've never have had to go through this by myself. I feel so alone in this moment and I feel about two inches tall.

"Angeletta is that you?" I hear a feminine voice call out and then the sound of gravel crunching quickly as they jog to me. I look up and see Maya approaching and I cry out as a sob racks my body. Once she's close enough I throw myself into her arms and cry. She's only taken aback briefly before she's comforting me and patting the back of my head.

"What has happened? Are you upset from Chiron's question? He feels awful for upsetting you to leave before you've finished your breakfast." She tells me in a soft voice as she pulls me back and holds my shoulders firmly as she looks at me in the eye. I finally calm enough to stop my blubbering but the air is still racking itself in the pattern of it.

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