Look, you have to understand!

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Look, I didn't want to be ‘special’. I mean I wanted to be as normal as possible. Honest!

As of right now I could be doing something better with my time. Perhaps reading the newest Warriors book, or singing. Something I enjoy. But there were other plans set out for me, unfortunately.

I guess I should start to explain, but, before I do. If you know you're one of us. You better shut this book and pray they don't find you. Pray.

But if you're normal, you're fine. You can stay and read on. So, let me explain, and start from the beginning.

It basically originally started all the way in New York. Let's be clear, my family lives in Pennsylvania. Meaning my family had to pull some strings to get me here.

I wasn't the best kid. Sure, I had amazing grades, but I didn't act well to teachers. I'm a very honest person, that tended to get me in trouble, quite a lot...

So now here I was in some fancy school in New York. My parents thought it would be good for me to, y'know spend some time far away. Find new people for my life.

I had managed to grasp two friends. Only one was by choice. My roommate Maisie, she wasn't quite the type of roommate you would want, at least I would want. She was literally ONLY nice to me, as if something wasn't right with her.

But I did make a friend. His name was Percy. Now if you know him, you could imagine how that went.

At some super ‘awesome’ 6th grade field trip. Since it was organized by Percy's favorite teacher he was convinced it'd be different. Mr Brunner. Well it certainly was different.

I heard Nancy Bobofit, the annoying girl yell my name. “Kate!” She yelled a second time, wanting to grasp my attention.

I turned around from the artifact I was staring at. I had thought it looked familiar.

I turned my attention to Nancy. “What do you want?” I asked her in a perplexed tone. Yet I tried to hide my annoyance from the exasperating girl.

She shook her lunch box in front her face. I didn't know how that had to do with anything. She snickered and pointed at Percy. Which I guess made much more sense now.

“Watch, I'm about to get your little buddy in trouble!” She giggled. She stalked over to Percy. “Hey, wait!” I called after her. Still confused how a lunchbox could get Percy in trouble.

She started saying something. “Nancy!” I actually started to run towards them, though I abruptly stopped when I saw her dump her half eaten lunch on Grover's lap.

She giggled at Percy's anger. I sighed, she would never change. Suddenly the moment I went to turn around, she was grabbed by... water? Though it made no sense the water had pulled her into the fountain.

Mrs. Dodds, ew. Mrs. Dodds immediately came over to see the problem, since Nancy Bobofit had let out an ear shattering shriek.

“What happened?” She asked. Her eyes met mine as I crossed my arms and shook my head. “He pushed me into the fountain!” Nancy lied while pointing at Percy. “Lier!” I retorted. I rolled my eyes and looked at Mrs. Dodds. “He didn't even touch her! If you checked the cameras or something—”

“Silence.” Mrs. Dodds put her hand up, cutting me off. That was the first time she didn't listen to me. She gestured for Percy to stand up and go with her. “Now sweetie...” I heard her begin. Her face turned into this evil woman.

Although that left me confused, she normally listened to me. To the point where Maisie whispers about it to herself.

I heard whispers from others around me. “Did you see that? The water grabbed her!” Was what continued to repeat around me.

I rolled my eyes. Nancy sheepishly grinned. I walked over to her. “You're a terrible liar.” I told her. “Percy's a terrible person. Too bad he can't be loved by others unlike me.” She replied. She began to stand up.

“Anyways, who are you to speak? Your hair makes you look like a clown.” She tried to make fun of me. She hadn't even stepped out of the fountain.

I pushed her shoulder down, causing her to slip and fall back down onto her knees. “Know your place, Nancy” I told her. She looked up at me hesitantly. “Which unfortunately, is with the cowards.”

She seemed to want to cry. The first time I had ever done anything mean to her. She was normally nicer to me than Percy.

I stared at her for a heartbeat. I felt so powerful having someone wanting to cry on their knees. But I threw the thought into the vault. It was weird and felt like it would lead into something worse.

Once I had dealed with Nancy I had to be lectured by Maisie.

“Are you insane!?” I heard a voice yell. “No, Nancy is and she needs to stop being a bi-” “Language!” She shot back.

“Maisie, you know Nancy!” “You're right everyone does, and everyone despises her except her little minions.” She shot at me, again. “C'mon let's go talk in private.” She tugged on my wrist.

She eventually pulled me to some odd place in the museum. I heard another conversation taking place.

“Hey, is that Percy?” I asked. “Kit!” I pushed away from her. I saw Percy grab something in his hand.

“What's going on?” I looked around. Some... creature stood infront of Percy. It hissed at him.

I turned to ask Maisie if she recognized what it was but she immediately pulled me down.

“What was that?” I asked her. “What was what?” “That...” I paused cringing at the sight of the ugly beast. “Creature.” “Hm, must have imagined it.” “I swear—!” “Sh!” She immediately responded to my yelping.

“How about focusing on me getting to tell a teacher I was right!” She told me, seemingly proud of herself. “Right about what?” “I can explain... maybe in the summer?” She questioned herself.

“Not important right now!” She said while realizing the same words.

“You need to be nicer.” “To Nancy?” “You've been retaliating more recently.” She explained. I rolled my eyes.

“I should've shoved her into the trash can.” “Uh...” Maisie didn't quite know how to react to this.

She opened her mouth then quickly shut it. She nodded then moved her hand.

“Uhm... I guess I shouldn't be trapping you against this wall.” She backed away. “Always so weird...” I muttered. “Pardon?” “What?” She sighed in defeat.

I walked back to where everyone else was. “Hey, is Mrs. Dodds still talking to Percy?” I asked one of my classmates, Alex. He wasn't really a friend more like an acquaintance.

“Mrs. Dodds? Who's Mrs. Dodds? The only two teachers with us are Mr. Brunner and Mrs—” I couldn't hear the rest of what he was gonna say because Maisie dragged me away, again.

So, I never saw Mrs. Dodds ever again. Maisie had to force me to pretend like I didn't know about her around Percy. Which, I found it odd he knew but nobody else did? Not even Maisie.

She told me I was acting insane and couldn't feed Percy into it. Although I felt like there was more to it.

One day, one day though. It was the day I caught Percy eavesdropping.

I noticed Mr. Brunner and Grover talking.  My eyes flickered back to Percy.

“Say anything thing interesting?” He rolled his eyes. “Quote on quote worried about me.” He told me before ignoring me and listening again.

I heard him gasp. “What?” I asked. “They're talking about magic, some spell.” This got my motors whirring. “That took away everyone's memory about Mrs. Dodds?” “That's why everyone forgot?” I asked. Percy looked up at me. Right then and there I knew I said something I shouldn't have. “Uh... Sorry.” I said before dashing off.

We Are Forever     //      Percy Jackson x ocWhere stories live. Discover now