Maisie has flower power?

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After the incident with Mrs. Dodds Percy got worse. He turned into a new person. I, myself didn't change much.

Anyways, continuing the story. My mom had told me I had to stay somewhere for a few days before she was able to pick me up. My mind first went to Percy.

I leaned over the walkway on the bus to talk to him. “Hey, Perce.” “Yeah?” “I need somewhere to stay for a few days before my mom can pick me up.” He seemed relieved for a moment. As if something great happened, then he frowned, hitting a realization.
“My mom's boyfriend stinks. Unfortunately...”

I slipped slightly back. “It's fine, isn't your mom insanely nice?” “Yeah, but she lets Gabe step over her.” “Look, if you'll let me, I'll go. At least I'm with a friend.” He looked back at Maisie. I shook my head.

“I don't think my mom would have a problem.” He told me. “Thanks.” I told him. He smiled at me subtly. I leaned back next to Maisie.

I looked at Grover, he seemed to be acting up. His face was drooping.

After the bus stopped Maisie and I parted ways. She gave me some address on the bus, but I told her I was staying with Percy. I kept it anyways.

Percy turned to me. “Hey, let's ditch Grover.” “What?” “He's acting off.” I nodded. “Ok.”

“My apartment is around here.” He told me. I nodded and followed him. “How long will you be here?” He asked me. “A week or less.” I looked down at the address.

We walked into a building. He walked up a few flights of stairs. He muttered something. He looked at my hands. “What's that?” “Maisie's address.” I waved it in front of his face, clicking my tongue. He grabbed it and pulled a slip of paper out of his pocket.

“They're the same...” “What?” I asked. I was so confused as to what he meant. He showed me both squares of paper. They looked like copies of eachother. “The address cards.”


“Grover, you did what?” Grover cringed, embarrassed. “I-I gave him the address...” “Now he ran off, and now— Now Kit is with Percy!” I whisper-yelled.

“Maisie...” He trailed off. His whimpering made me stop yelling. I placed my hand on my forehead.

“If one of them looks at the other's card, they'll flip! Geez Grover, you should've thought about that! You saw me give her the card before we even got on the bus. Then, she asked Percy about staying with him. But you still gave him the card!” “When you put it like that it sounds worse...” “This is really bad!” I started getting more visibility angry.

“Look, I'm a half-blood, I can't go running around looking for them. Plus, Percy is yours to take care of, not mine.” I watched him nod.

“Well, this is it I guess? Once Kit arrives your quest will be fully done.” “To find a child of...”

I looked at Grover. It was a name we didn't quite say, names have power.

I opened my necklace. “Where is Percy Jackson?” My necklace started glowing and started floating to the left of me.

Grover looked at me. “I got it from my mother.” I unclasped the necklace. Follow it until you find him, until then he is in great danger!” “What about Kit?” “The Kindly Ones won't hurt her, they focus on Percy, remember?” “Right...” He muttered realizing his stupid question.

“Yup.” I put the necklace on him. “Now go find Percy!” I patted his back once as he trotted off.

I sighed. “Kate... Don't show him your card, please.” I whispered to myself. I looked at my hands, they glowed green.

“Dear gods, what is happening to me?”


Unluckily for Maisie, I kind of already did. But it wasn't my fault! He wanted to see it.

“This could only mean one thing...” He trailed off, thinking of was too good to be true. “Grover isn't rich and lives in an apartment that Maisie also happens to live in!” “I don't think that's...” I kept my mouth shut though.

“Well, here's my apartment.” He opened the door. I was hit with a disgusting odor the moment the door opened. “Bleh!” Percy plugged his nose for a second.

I saw his step-father at a table with a few other guys. I didn't know which one he was though. He was playing poker, wasting money. “Are you serious?” Percy asked him.

“Shut up, your report card came in.” Percy clenched his fists. He looked up at him, noticing me. “I see you've brought a friend.” I looked down.

“Yeah, doesn't seem too ecstatic to see you, or should I say smell you? It reeks in here.” He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his room.

We sat across eachother. “Sorry about Smelly Gabe I tried to warn—” “It's not that, something feels wrong.” “Wrong?” “When I turned away Maisie's offer, I felt this knot in my chest... Then when we ditched Grover, I felt sick. I felt like something was out of place.”

He leaned closer to me. “Well...?” “Well, what?” “I started having weird feelings, too.” “I don't know,” I began. “I should've known there was something wrong with me, my dad was absent my whole life! My hair makes me look like Cruella De Vil, I'm a laughing stock.” “Ever since Mrs.
Dodds— Wait, your father has been gone this whole time?”

“Already missed 11 birthdays, tomorrow would be the 12th.” “When I first met you, I thought you were perfectly rich with a perfect family.” “Surprise...” I mumbled.

“Hey, Percy!” “Mom!” He turned around and hugged a woman. “I see you brought a friend.” “She needed somewhere to stay for a few days.” He told her. His mom waved at me.

They started having a conversation, but I didn't listen... Well until I heard my name be mentioned. “You can't leave Kit here all alone!”  She looked back into the room Gabe was in. “Not with smelly Gabe..” He pleaded.

“Fine, she can come. Only because I don't think it would be good for her to stay here alone. I don't want someone else's child getting hurt.” Right when she said that I caught a hardly visible bruise on her face.

“Thanks.” His mom walked out. “We're gonna stay the night at the cabin.” “The cabin?” “Montauk? You seriously have never heard of it.” “No...” “I mean it's not like it's insanely popular but I thought—” “Percy I live in Pennsylvania!”

He squinted his eyes. “My mom's boyfriend sucks, too. That's why she's having trouble getting to me.” He nodded. Visibly not sure what to say. I side smiled, but didn't smirk.

“Well, get ready. We're staying the night.”

Lil' author note: I feel like they bonded SO much the chapter. As you can tell, I've dropped some big hints as to who her father is! You can probably already guess.

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