Ch 2

87 3 42

It was the day before the party. Xie lian had been dragged into a bustling mall by Shi Qingxuan, and he was utterly exhausted. his head was spinning, and he had way too much mall food.

"were are we going now? " He asked. "we're going to pick out my dress, Duh!" She quipped.

The two walked into a fancy, expensive looking shop filled with all types of formal attire, and Qingxuan was already checking out dresses.

Xie lian wandered around and looked at the many different styles and colors in the room. He hadn't really thought about what he was going to wear, he really didn't need to impress anyone. He wandered around until he spotted a white suit. It had red embroidered flowers lining the cuffs, a high neckline, and it was overall great quality.He loved it.

"That's a nice suit! Are you gonna wear it? Heh, I never thought you were the type to go all out for parties like this." Shi Qingxuan had reappeared from a dressing room draped in a flowy greenish-blue dress. It hung loose at the shoulders, and it hugged her waist nicely. She had also picked up a small, leaf shaped clip.

Xie Lian eyed her and scoffed. "Says you, dressed like that. I don't think it's a fancy party, it's meant to be casual." "Oh you'll see, I bet even our boss will be dressed better than you then, and he's usually kind of bland, don't you think?" Qingxuan retorted. Xie Lian sighed and walked off.

"Sure... wait for me, I'll go try this on." He grabbed the suit and checked into a changing room.

Once he was finished changing and fixing his hair he walked out to show Qingxuan. He did a little twirl, and argued whether it would be good or not. After some discussion, the two went to check out the clothes. Shi Qingxuan fumbled around, and laughed awkwardly,

"I think I left something over there, just wait for me Xie-xiong." She hurriedly walked away.

Xie Lian waited patiently for a while. The line had been moving on, eventually until it was his turn to pay. He looked for his wallet. He checked his pockets, and his face paled when he couldn't feel it anywere. He was about to rush out the store and desperately try finding it, when he remembered he had most likely left it with Shi Qingxuan.

Xie Lian was stalling the cashier, waiting for Qingxuan to return, and he was running out of excuses.

Just my luck. He internally sighed, exasperated. He had always been unlucky, but that didn't stop him from being slightly annoyed. He was about to go to the back of the line when he saw a man dressed in a red polo shirt and black formal pants approaching. (Idk what casual clothes are like to rich ppl so the description is probably kinda off and cringy😭)

"Gege, let me pay"

Xie Lian was stunned. The man in front of him was taller than him, and he had an air of confidence surrounding him. His shirt was a vibrant, eye-catching crimson, His right eye had a black leather eyepatch on it, and the other eye was so bright, it almost twinkled. His long, inky hair flowed behind his back, His lips were upturned and rosy, carefree. His face was handsome and refined, his skin pale as the moon.

How could he accept such a brazen favor so easily!? Xie Lian's heart couldn't help but jump slightly, He started stammering a refusal, but a sleek debit card was already handed to the waiting cashier. Xie lian's already flushed face brightened, now he resembled a tomato. He couldn't refuse, it was already paid. He had no choice but to accept the gift, even if that meant being embarrassed.

"thank you!..." he trailed off, as he didn't know the stranger in front of him.

"You can call me San lang." the mysterious man said grinning, already turning to leave.

"..." he stood there in a daze. A few seconds later a familiar voice rang out,

"Xie-xiong! I'm back, sorry for the wait." Shi Qingxuan said placing the green leaf clip on the counter. Xie Lian jolted up, snapping out of his stupor. She paid for her stuff, and the two walked out of the store, both of them noticing the darkening sky. They quickly found Xie lian's car, driving back to his apartment.

"Who was that? The guy in the red shirt?" Qingxuan suddenly asked, almost making Xie Lian hit a pedestrian. "I honestly don't know. He randomly paid for my stuff out of nowhere! I'm just glad he didn't want anything in return." He answered cautiously.

"..." The rest of the short car ride was silent.

As Xie Lian brought his newly bought stuff from the trunk, a white receipt fell out of bag that had his suit. He picked it up and read it.

"!!!" Xie Lian gawked at the price. How could a suit be so expensive! "Aiya! I should have declined that kind man, this is to much to accept!" He exclaimed. He made his way into his apartment, throwing the receipt in the trash, he organized his stuff and changed into casual clothes.

The two settled down to watch the "horror movie marathon" Shi Qingxuan had suggested they should watch, knowing she would be too scared to watch anymore after the first few minutes. Xie Lian was actually really good at watching horror movies, his only weakness being cheap jump scares.

The two were up late into the night, feasting on popcorn and microwaveable mantou.

After the movies, Xie Lian headed to sleep leaving Qingxuan in the guest bedroom. He laid down to sleep, but couldn't even coax out a yawn. He sat there thinking about the red clad man at the shop, the upcoming party, and Jun Wu's ominous warnings, he let out a tired sigh, knowing that he whould most likely be awake for another hour or so. His mind slyly wandered off to him.

Thinking about him made his heart flutter. He shook his head, the man was just being nice, wasn't he? His foxlike grin made him want to smile along, his face made him want to... he trailed off, realizing where his mind was going. Thank goodness nobody was there to witness his burning face. How could be having such thoughts? He had barely meet the guy, yet he was already thinking... those thoughts. He let out a slight yawn, finally succumbing to sleep.


Word count: 1145 It's measly I know.

Thank you for finishing this chapter! The few views I get motivate me so much, so thank you again. 😁 I'm sorry for the slow update, my schedule is just unbearable rn and school isn't doing anything to help either sooo... please leave your thoughts and suggestions.

(Im actually so glad I managed to finish this lmao)

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