Seeking Sensation [Part 3/5]

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By the time Trinette had dressed herself and bolted out the door, Liam had passed out on the couch with the mask glued to his face. Bash and Maurice stood before a television screen as tall as she was, and everywhere she looked, the TV screen relayed her perspective back to them with the highest viewing quality possible.

"Trinette, everything alright?" asked Bash.

"You're still not telling me everything!" she said, clawing into his blazer.

Bash's eyes shifted from a confused squint to wide with recognition in a split second. "This is because of the Lynn Valentine thing, isn't it?" he said. "That's not official, Trinette. You're too new to the business."

Refusing to release Bash from her grip, Trinette jolted her sights in Maurice's direction. "Did you tell Liam that?" she said.

"Yeah, and I'm very surprised he remembered," said Maurice. "But I told him that as a joke a long time ago. To make fun of all the spoiled, self-centered egomaniacs who came into Looksy thinking they could become the next Lynn Valentine just because they thought they were prettier than her or fucked better than her or whatever. Don't listen to Liam, kid, he's just talking nonsense."

Trinette released Bash's collar. His glance at her suggested sympathy, but she was too embarrassed to attempt another glance to confirm.

"By the way, Miss Mackenzie," said Maurice, "you did a good fucking job. You sure this is your first time appearing in a Povie?"

"Yes," she muttered. "And it'll be the only time."

"Well, I certainly hope not! You're practically a natural! And let me just say: you slipping into his fur coat after all the fun you two had? Fucking brilliant. People already go nuts over girls wearing their man's clothes, but then there's the fact you're not just wearing anyone's clothes. You're wearing Liam Chapman's handmade twelve-thousand-dollar mink jacket and absolutely nothing else! You, Miss Mackenzie, have lived what everyone else on Earth will only ever be able to call a fantasy."

"You sure one of the other Lynn Valentines hasn't done it before me?"

Maurice rolled his eyes. "I should also add that you're the first girl to lose your virginity onscreen to Liam Chapman. As much of an asshole as he is, he was right about that being a huge selling point, especially considering how coordinated you—"

"Maurice, shut up," said Bash. "Save this kind of talk for the editors and beta testers. I'm sure she'd prefer to be away from the set now that we're done."

Trinette jolted in Bash's direction. "We need to talk. Now."

"Hey, I was only complimenting her skill," said Maurice. "You and I both know the average person isn't—"

"I'm sorry, was she talking to you?" replied Bash. "I already told you, take this shit to the editing room. Trinette's off the clock for the day, so she shouldn't be on your mind anymore. The one who should be on your mind is that slab of meat passed out in the other room! You got it?"

Maurice remained unamused. "Yes, Mercado," he muttered.

"Great. Perfect. I will see you tomorrow then. If I see you before tomorrow, specifically anywhere near her, I'll kick your ass and post it on Looksy so the rest of the world can feel what that's like."

As Bash and Trinette turned to face the exit, Maurice left them with one more thing to ponder. "You think you're showing her respect having her rely only on you? Do her a favor and quit fucking pretending like she can't see right through you!"

Moments later, the two entered the elevator. Bash pushed the button, and they began their descent.

"You okay?" he asked Trinette, and she nodded. "I don't intentionally hide things from people," he said. "In my line of work, I need to learn things quickly, even without hearing all the extra details. When I tell people what I've learned, I usually get ahead of myself and forget they can't always read between the lines. You understand me, right?"

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