Chapter 2: Night of Secrets

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Hyde had a huge mission for majority of the Shadow Guards: break into the temporary hospital the Union had made from a miramon attack a few days ago and take any dying patients to be test subjects. This particular mission had gone so smoothly, that a celebration were to happen.

Yun could honestly care less. He didn't like the parties that the Degree hosted, not because they were bad, but because they were so loud. He usually hung out with Jacob while it went on long into the night. Tonight was no different, Jacob snoozing on a chair and Yun scrolling trough channels on the tv. Bai Liuli had brought them some treats.

"Are you sure you aren't coming?" She asked.

"Yes," Yun said, "it's gonna be the same, too loud, too long."

"Alright, save some for Jacob."

Yun nodded half heartedly as she left. As she left, she met Uday in the hallways.


"Thank stars I found you!" Uday hugged her. "Those Xie brothers are making everything unbearable again..."

"What did they do?" Liuli asked.

"Just...come see!"

Walking into the party hall, she was greeted with a thick fog and foul stench. She noticed Yuzhi running out, giggling, while Chuyi followed close behind.

"Hehe!" Yuzhi skipped through the hallways. "That was perfect!"

"Now where are you going?" Chuyi asked, watching his brother turning a corner.

"I found out which room Yunnie's in tonight!" He declared.

"Then shall I leave you alone?"

"Huh? Uh, sure!"

"Jacob's with him, so just be careful not to wake him."

"No promises, hehe!" And with that, he was gone.

Slowly opening a door, he saw Yun laying on the couch watching tv. Jacob was also there, but he was fast asleep on a chair. He slowly and quietly walked in, planning on scaring Yun. How funny it would be! He could only imagine the look Yun would give him.

"Rah!" Yuzhi roughly grabbed Yun's shoulder, the younger jumping in surprise. Upon seeing Yuzhi, he glared.

"What was that for?!"

"Hahahaha! Your face! I wish you could have seen it!" Yuzhi said, laughing. He fell onto the couch beside Yun, giving a big grin.

"What do you want?" Yun hissed, glaring.

"I just wanna hang out with you!" Yuzhi replied.


"Also, the party isn't the best smelling...hah!"

Yun rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the tv.

"What are you watching?" Yuzhi asked.

"I'm not sure yet. I've just been flipping through the channels."

"Ooh, turn on the news! I wanna see how the Esper Union has handled our mission!"

Yun obliged. On the news, Raven was being interviewed. Yun couldn't help but roll his eyes. He never liked Raven, especially not all the work she loved giving out.

"Please, be patient and your loved ones will be found." She said as angry protesters yelled all around.

"Haha, as if!" Yuzhi said. "No way they'll find them."

Yun gave a small nod.

"Wait, wait, let's try to figure out who those bozos in the back are!" Yuzhi said, scooting closer to the screen.

"Those are just some Union people, no one special." Yun replied, rubbing his head.

"Isn't that one's name Leora?"

"I don't know, I don't care."

"Come on, Yunnie! Play with me here."


Yuzhi grumbled and opted for "playing" by himself.

"Who's that? He kinda looks like you." Yuzhi said.

"What? Who?" Yun looked closer.

"This one! Hehe, he does look like you, but like if you went outside and if you had red hair."

"...I don't see him."

Yuzhi looked over at Yun, confused. How could he miss someone like that?


It was his eyes again. His beautiful and sparkly eyes were at it again, staring at the tv.

"Do you know someone? Oooh, is your brother in shot? Is it-"

"Shut it, Xie Yuzhi."

"It is your brother! That's so funny, how you'd see him like this!"

"I said shut it!"

"But it's your brother!-"


Yuzhi was taken aback. Yun did get angry at him sometimes, but he usually ended up just rolling his eyes and shaking his head. They'd laugh it off and continue with their day.

This time, he looked like he wanted to rip Yuzhi's head off. It kinda scared him.

Yun closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"I just...don't want to talk about it." Yun said quietly.

"Do you not like him?" Yuzhi asked. He knew Yun had a strange relationship with his brother, but it never dawned on him that it might be hatred.


"I could never hate my twin! That would..."

"I don't hate him, exactly. I'm more disappointed."

"Eh?" Yuzhi tilted his head, "how so?"

"He' naïve! He's simply too trusting. He was a nightmare to listen to, cuz he didn't understand who was trustworthy and who wasn't."

"If I were his friend, would you trust me?" Yuzhi said and gave a sweet face.

"Depends." Yun replied, giving a smirk.

"What! I'm so trustworthy!"


"How can I prove I am?" Yuzhi asked pityingly, taking Yun's hand.


"Ooh! What if I really befriend your brother!"

"Absolutely not."

"Why not?!"

"You're a wanted criminal?"

Yuzhi scowled and leaned back on the seat. His darling Yun had no faith in him. He'd prove him wrong! He could be so trustworthy!

"I've got an idea." Yuzhi said.

"Hm?" Yun looked over at him.

"If I can get your brother to be my friend and prove my trustworthiness, you'll be my boyfriend."

Yun let out a loud laugh. Wiping his eyes, he smirked at him.

"You think you're that good? Fine, I agree."

"Mhm! Get ready to be my boyfriend, hun!"

"Get ready to be broken out of jail."

So, they shook on it. It would be their little secret, their little deal.

Or so they thought.

When they both eventually left, Jacob opened his eyes, sighing.

"Should I tell someone...? Nahh..." he grumbled, falling back asleep.

His Obsessions ~ Dislyte ~ Tang Yun x Xie YuzhiWhere stories live. Discover now