Chapter 1: Catherine's Crown

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Yun really tried not to care. The red of her crown taunted him every time he saw it. Its spikes laughed down at him whenever Catherine talked to him. Which was ironic, since she herself never laughed.

"She took money out of her own pocket to make the doorways taller, huh?" Ophelia said, as she and Yun did each other's make up.

"Yeah! It's quite annoying." Yun hissed.

Ophelia had been apart of the Shadow Decree for a longer time than Yun, but somehow, the two of them became friends. He was the only one she taught how to fold paper into butterflies, and she was the only one he genuinely trusted with his secrets.

"I've been wondering, why do you wish for Cathrine to take off her crown so badly?" She asked.

"I-" He realized he didn't really have a concrete reason. The best he could come up with was it annoyed him how red is was, how spiky it was.

" sounds like you don't like it because it reminds you of something or someone you don't like." Ophelia shook a bottle of dark purple nail polish.

"How'd you get that from my reason?" Yun held out his hand for her to do his nails.

"Just a hunch." She said. "I mean, I don't like a few things around here because they simply look like Luo Yan."

"Hm..." He thought about it for a moment. Red and spiky, why would he hate that?

He quickly realized it might be because of Tang Xuan. He just as quickly stopped thinking about his brother and looked at Ophelia.

"Well, if things that remind you of Luo Yan are around, why do you not do anything about it?"

"I remember that they aren't Luo Yan." She replied, "Would you like me to put crystals on your nails?"

Yun nodded and she obliged, placing the shining rhinestones on the bottom of his nail. Once she finished, he looked at his nails, feeling satisfied with the result.

"Do my eyeshadow now." Ophelia said flatly. He knew that she liked it when she didn't have to pick out colors, so she always let him try color combinations, and every time he did, she enjoyed them.

Today, he decided to place a pink base and use green and yellow to shape it. It was a very ugly color combination, he had to admit, but when he showed her it, Ophelia gave one of her scarce smiles.

"Interesting colors, I like it," She said, "It's like a poisonous butterfly."

"I suppose so." Yun said thoughtfully. She grabbed a lipstick that matched the pink, that had a tinge of yellow in it, and lightly placed it on her lips.

"Now it's perfect."

Yun couldn't understand why she insisted on strange color combinations, but he never said anything about it. She was quite content with them, so he never minded them beyond slight ugliness.

Yun's communicator rang. Looking at it, he sighed.

"Xie Yuzhi, that..." Yun mumbled.

Ophelia looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

"That little shit keeps trying to ask me on dates." Yun huffed. Ophelia blinked a little.

"He's just a friend," he continued, "but, like a week ago, he started acting...strange."

"Just ignore him." She said coldly. Yun noticed her tone of voice became angrier than normal, so he dropped the mention of dating. He thought that maybe if he talked about not dating, she'd be ok, but whatever.


Catherine cold gaze was upon the tinted windows. Yun's dark gaze was on her crown. And Yuzhi's loving(?) gaze was on Yun's eyes, which once again shone with the stars and anticipation of his plan to finally get Cathrine's crown off her head.

Thankfully, Yuzhi had managed to find out about his plan, thanks to a little stealing of one of Yun's notebooks. He returned it, obviously!

First, Yun was going to get Catherine to look bend down. How? By making her drop something, of course. Even if she wasn't holding anything, Yuzhi planned on tripping her to show Yun how lucky he could be.

Second, Yun would snatch her crown and run away to hide it before she could see his face. Yuzhi could help with this, too, by distracting Catherine!

Lastly, Yun would return the crown to Catherine when he felt the crown's annoyance was lifted. He'd have an angry Catherine, but he didn't seem to care that much. What bad would come from an angry Catherine, since she was always grumpy and angry already?

Catherine turned around and started walking. Yum watched her, tapping his fingers, just waiting for her to hold something, anything. He didn't even know if she'd bend down to grab anything ever, but that was a gamble he was willing to take to get the horrible crown out of his sight.

Yuzhi, on the other hand, knew that he could trip her when she turned the corner he was waiting by. Her office was down this hallway, and to get to bedrooms was also down this hallway. So obviously, she'd go down this way.

And she did. And Yuzhi, with his staff, successfully tripped her!

"Bahahaha!" He laughed hard.

But before Yun could even react, Catherine was up again and growled at Yuzhi.

"Keep your pranks away from me, you bastard." She snapped. Yuzhi made a face as she walked briskly away.

Clearly, this plan wasn't going to work if she was that fast to her feet again.

Yun clearly was angry. With himself, and with the fact that Catherine was so fast despite usually being so slow.

"She's such a party pooper!" Yuzhi said as he walked over to Yun, "You thought that was funny, riiiiiiiight?"

Yun simply nodded. Yuzhi leaned his chin on the other's shoulder. The taller shrugged him off and turned to leave.

"Perhaps guilting others would do the trick..." Yun mumbled as he walked off.

Yuzhi smiled. Yun might be upset, but he got an angry reaction out of Catherine and got to see Yun's shining eyes once more.

"Tang Yuuuun!" Yuzhi called. "Wait for me! I wanna go get some fancy treats with you!"

Yuzhi was truly a headache.

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