Prolouge: The Goal

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Xie Yuzhi carefully placed a tub of super glue on a chair, gluing the papers on the desk in front of him together and onto the desk. This wasn't his best work, but it would have to do for his grander prank to work.

He giggled to himself as he popped the lid back onto the tub. He whirled around only to see Tang Yun walking in, holding a stack of papers.

Upon seeing Yuzhi, he raised an eyebrow, "What are you doing now?"

"The usual," He chuckled to himself.

"Hmph," He grumbled, placing the stack of papers on the desk. Then, he smiled.

"Hm? What's with the expression?" Yuzhi folded his arms.

"Hehehe," Yun couldn't help it, "I'm getting pudding once I get back to Sander."

Yuzhi rolled his eyes until something in Yun's eyes caught him off guard.

A light sparkle seemed to have appeared in his eyes; it was like a little star for each eye.

"Heh." Yun strode out, a bounce in his step that proved that he was way excited for the pudding.

But Yuzhi wasn't paying attention to Yun anymore.

'Those...eyes.' He didn't know what to think. They were nothing like he'd ever seen.

He ran his hand over his hair. He forgot what he was doing before, why he glued th he papers to the desk and what he would have done after.

All he could think about was his eyes.

"Chuyi!" He burst into the room where his brother was.

"What's wrong?" His brother ran over to him, he brow creasing with worry over this sudden yelling.

"Nothing, don't worry," Yuzhi assured his brother, "But we seriously need to talk."


" what you're saying Tang Yun has a star in his eye?"

"Yeah, yeah! It's hard to explain, but I saw it I swear!"

"I believe you, no need to get defensive." The older twin assured him. The younger smiled and sat straighter.


"Well what, may I ask?"

"Well, I think I would like to see those eyes again!"

"Hm? Ah, ok," Chuyi said with a smile.

Yuzhi also smiled. He could always count on his brother to help him whenever he asked.

" exactly do you plan on doing this?"

"When he was talking about pudding," He explained, "That's when his eyes lit up."

"Do you want me to buy some pudding?" The older asked.

"Mm, I want to pick it out," The younger replied, "So let's go together, ok!"

Chuyi nodded and got up.


"Hmmmm," Yuzhi looked at all the pudding options.

"I don't mean to hurry you," Chuyi started, "But I do, I think we're getting looks..."

"This one, then!" He pulled the most expensive option out off the shelf. Chuyi felt his wallet flying away, but when he saw how excited and happy his twin was, he couldn't say no.

Heading towards the only open register, he spotted a Union Member. He bit his lip and lowered his head as he payed.

"Is that all?" The worker asked blandly.

"Yes," He said, dragging Yuzhi and the pudding out of the store.

"You forgot your receipt," Yuzhi said.

"It's just a piece of paper," He huffed.


Yuzhi skipped down the hallway to Yun's room. It was getting late; the moon was high and bright that night.

'It's soooo romantic,' He sighed.

He always kind of liked Yun. He had a pretty face and didn't usually mind his pranks, and even sometimes helped him with them.

He knocked on Yun's door. A moment passed and then Yun peeked through.

"Oh, it's you," He sighed and opened the door all the way.

"It's me!" Yuzhi sang and held out the pudding, "Here!~"

Yun's eyes lit up, just like Yuzhi wanted. Those amazing stars danced around in his purple eyes as he went to grab the pudding, but then he stopped.

"What's wrong?" He tilted his head. Why in the world would he hesitate over pudding?

"This isn't a prank, is it?"

What?! How could he! They were friends! Yun should know by now that he's only prank him when...when...


"It's not, I swear!" He whimpered sadly.

"...I'm not an idiot!" Yun hissed.

"Hmph, I'll prove it!" He stole a bite to prove his point!

"How's that supposed to prove anything?"

"I dunno!" He shoved the pudding into Yun's arms and ran off.

That was not how that was supposed to go down.

But, in the end, he technically did get what he wanted: to see his shining eyes again, and so would Chuyi.

He looked at his phone once he turned a corner.

"Perfect, you can clearly see them." He hummed to himself. The picture of Yun wasn't perfect, but his eyes were.

Yuzhi started walking. Perfect, everything was perfect, except maybe now Yun would be suspicious of him, but he could deal with that.

"Heh, heh," He chuckled to himself. As he looked closer at the picture, the more something awoke in him. Something that was willing to do so much for those eyes.

He wanted those shining eyes.

They were going to be his.

His Obsessions ~ Dislyte ~ Tang Yun x Xie YuzhiWhere stories live. Discover now