Ready for Anything.

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She clenched her fists.
Weissv"So whoever was truly behind this,is there?"
Neo simply nodded and looked towards
Y/N,who was lost in thought.
He growled out a bit before she took his hand,giving him a smile.
The bold Neo then yanked him down and kissed him again.
The girls weren't happy,Ruby yanked him away from her while Yang stood in between them.
Yang:"You might say that you wanna help,but we still don't trust you.
So for now,you won't be with us when we leave."
Y/N huffed before being led out.
(In the canteen)
Teams RWBY and JNPR talked over the plan to head to Haven.
They kept Y/N close in case he tried to go back to Neo.
Blake:"I don't know why he's so obsessed with her,it's like the few moments we were locked out,she changed him completely."
Ruby:"I'm mad,that homewrecker is stealing him!"
She pouted before eating again.

Blake was stuck in her book and the map they had.
Blake:"Ruby,don't loose your head,we're trying to figure means of transportation. Besides,Ironwood explained that we were going to take Neo.
There's no space in the ship with all these people."

Weiss and Yang coughed and spat out their food.
Nora giggled and elbowed Pyrrha.
Nora:"Oooh,looks like you girls are in for some competition~ haha!"
But they didn't find it funny,in fact,they found it dreadful.
They all looked over to Y/N who was flopped over one of the windowsills,sleeping and snoring while covered in blankets.
Pyrrha gave a nervous chuckle and took the map from Blake.
Pyrrha:"Let's...cross that bridge when we get to it ok?"
Ruby and Weiss pouted before huddling in with the others and scoping through the path they planned to take.
(Both teams began to prepare at Ruby's house)
Blake:"It sure was nice of Ironwood to drop us off,I couldn't imagine the walk here."
She shuddered at the thought.
Yang:"Yea but we could've made Y/N carry us,or instead shove some dust down his throat to make the travel quicker haha."
The groups laughed as they clean and inspect their weapons.
Ruby and Yang's father prepared lunches in the kitchen for them all,he talked with Qrow,who was helping,despite the tension the two share they both knew the groups needed help.
Which is why Qrow had to keep him from attacking Y/N,who was out hunting for wood.
Obviously the groups didn't tell him about the almost 11 foot beast of a Grimm They had as a friend and lover.
The reason they didn't say anything was because they were afraid he would start a conflict.
And knowing Y/N...

They thought it would be some time before Y/N came back as well,but boy were they wrong.

Pyrrha:"nora,the rest of the timber is out front could you bring it in?"
Nora eagerly nodded and walked to the door,opening it.
Nora:"Sure I'll be right bac-"
A looming shadow cut her off,a look of horror grew in her face as Y/N was holding the timber and logs in his arms.
Y/N:"I'm baaaack."
He smiled and wanted to squeeze through.
She covered her mouth after blurting that out,frantically looking around for a reason to.
Pyrrha looked out from the living room and winced,motioning with her hands to shoo him to hunt or something,anything.
Nora looked back at Y/N,who tried to come in again.
She whisper shouted and pushed Y/N's form out to the back of the house.

Through the living room window,both groups saw Nora shoving and pushing against Y/N,who looked down at her confused and concerned.
But he complied.
Y/N:"Nora,is something wrong? Why can't I come in?"
She tried to come up with a reason.
Nora:"U-um...Qrow said....that there was a...Grimm causing a ruckus...?"
She winced and hoped he would fall for it.
Y/N:"...Oh,why didn't you say sooner,hop on."
He threw her over his back and ran off,Nora held on tight and felt the wind blowing on her face.
Nora:"Hurry it up guys I won't be able to make another excuse afterwards."
She could only hope and whisper that they did.
(In the house)
Pyrrha:"Jeez,that was way to close..."
Yang flopped on the couch,rubbing her eyes.
Yang:"You can say that again,our dad would flip If he found out we've been kissing up a beast."
Ruby:"Well since Nora is busy with Y/N,I got the timber,plus a few more bottles of water."
Jaune and Blake shoved the items into duffle bags.
Weiss:"Alright,that should be everything. Food,check. Water,check. Map?...check."
Everyone took a break and prepared the living room,getting into spots and resting,talking.

Another one bites the dust.(Male Grimm King Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now