Zee x Chase (Comfort and Lemons)

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(Part one of ?????)
At breakfast-time on the first day of the season, during season 3 (don't come at me) of the 2023-24-25 reboot, Zee was just his same old self though, but with a newer, better fitting prosthetic. Everyone is just relaxing, enjoying their breakfast before the first challenge, and Julia has an idea; she'll confuse Zee, and insult him, until he forms an alliance with her.

"You know, Zee? You're so brave to wear those clothes and have such long hair as a boy.. I could never!"

Zee, not exactly understanding that she's being mean, responds,

"Oh, thanks..! You are too, Julia! Your mullet last season when that raptor ate part of your hair was totally awesome, man!!"

Julia pauses,


Zee looks at her,

"Huh..? I was just complimenting you, like you did me!"

Julia scowls,

"That wasn't a compliment, Zee! God, you really are just as stupid as you look."

Zee shrugs,

"Yeah, I get that alot."

Julia just yells out of frustration, walking away. Nobody really gets bothered by her rude comments anymore. Her plan failed, so she'll just have to sit with MK and suck it up.

"That was such a strange interaction.." Zee ponders to himself. He sees Chase sitting alone, and so he moves to sit by Chase.

Chase smiles when he sees Zee coming.

"Oh, hey Zee!"

Zee smiles too. He's always happy to be near people he considers his friends.

"Hey Chase, what's up!"

Chase looks Zee in the eyes. Ever since he got voted out second last season, he had worked on bettering himself for the game. He was still part of that YouTube channel, but he learned to have a life outside of it.

"Nothing much! I've really been working on myself lately, and I know I'm ready for the game today!!"

Zee keeps listening, but chimes in,

"Woah, that's awesome, dude! Great job!"

Chase looks down a bit.

"I'm thinking about apologizing to Emma finally. I think I was just too selfish to realize that what I did could've killed her.. and her mom.. I feel so terrible about it now that I've seen myself."

Zee blinks a bit. He has no clue what to say.

"Well... I hope that goes well, man!"

Chase hugs Zee.


Zee is frozen in his place. He felt this brand new emotion in himself, but he didn't know what to do. His face went completely red.


Chase smiles, walking off to talk to Emma. Emma glares DAGGERS through him.

"Hey Emma.." Chase nervously speaks.

Emma immediately rolls her eyes.

"NO Chase!! I don't ever want you to talk to me again!! Your just selfish, and you only care about how you feel!!"

Chase looks down, blushing. It's clear he can see how badly he's really fucked up.

"Emma, that's why I came over here.. I came to apologize to you!!"

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