BowRaj (smut) pt2

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(A/N: YALL ARE SOME HUNGRY MFS, LEMME TELL U THAT. Also, idk if challenges are daily or weekly, so I'm gonna do weekly for this one. IF YOU DON'T LIKE EDGING, RUN 🌬️)

It was the day after Bowie had shuffled Raj's guts around. It was already past midnight, about 3:24 AM. Although Raj was still a wobbly walker, he craved Bowie's hard dick in him. He silently went to the bathroom, and tried for ten minutes to jerk off to his hot boyfriend's image in his head, but his needs were never satisfied with just that.  There was a person, just innocently trying to take a shit in the stall next to him. Raj didn't care, though. His horniniess is driving him too wild to care. If he ever wanted to have some relief, he would have to talk to Bowie. Raj walks his personal walk of shame over to Bowie, at about 3:34 am, and blushes. He had to wake his boyfriend up, and he hopes Bowie doesn't get mad.

"Bowie.." he gently shakes his lover, "Bowie.. can you come to the bathrooms with me.. I need some.. 'help'.."

Bowie sleepily opens his eyes. He looks at Raj, nodding, "I'll be there in a few minutes.. just wait for me."

"Ok..!" Raj smiles, quickly but silently going to the boys bathroom. Bowie wakes up for a few minutes, then goes to where Raj is. Raj doesn't have his shirt or jersey on.

"Oh my..~" Bowie smirks, "Are your shorts that tight, or are you just happy to see me?~" Bowie snickers as he hugs Raj, then smirking once more, "Did I leave you hungry for more..?~"

Raj immediately nods, giggling and giddily hugging Bowie tight.

"You rearranged my guts so well I still can hardly walk... Hehe.."

"Well, let's not do that again.. but I think I know something you'll like.. You sure you want this?"

"You always have my consent, Bowie. <3"

"Alright. If your sure, then lay down."

Raj immediately drops to the floor, laying on his back. Bowie slowly pushes Raj's shorts down, teasing him to see how impatient he can make him.

"The more antsy you get, the longer I'm gonna take, Raj.~"

Raj whines. He's so horny, and just wants his hot boyfriend to love him in every way.

"Alright, now, I'm gonna make this like a little game.. if your a good boy, I'll let you cum immediately.. but if you get squirmy, well, don't get squirmy and you won't find out..!" Bowie smiles at Raj, kissing him. He starts slowly jerking Raj off. After a minute, Raj starts to get antsy, like he's gonna cum any second. Bowie stops, denying Raj. Raj looks at Bowie, almost horrified.

"W-Why'd you stop..?" Raj groans a bit.

"You got antsy. I dont let you cum when your a bad, antsy boy." Bowie softly smirks. He rubs raj's hips and butt for a moment before starting to slowly jerk Raj off again.

"hhmmnng... I-Im not getting antsy.. can I cum this time..?!" Raj is already a whiny, whimpery mess. He gets slightly antsy once again, and Bowie denies him.

"Pleasssee..! Ugh..!! This is so cruel..!!" Raj whines.

"Trust me, it makes finishing all the better, Raj <3"

Bowie starts jerking Raj off a little faster each time, and at one point, even giving him head, and letting off right as he's about to cum. Bowie has probably already edged his poor boyfriend 6 times.

"I think I've proved my point.. your about to feel really, REALLY good."

Bowie puts Raj's entire shaft in his mouth. He starts giving him the best head he's probably ever felt. Bowie covers Raj's mouth when he moans, as the moan is so, SO loud.

"That felt so good.. but it was so cruel... I think I'm tired again, babe.."

"Let's head back then.. I love you, Raj <3"

"I love you too, Bowie..<3"

When both Bowie and Raj leave, Zee is finally able to leave the stall he was trapped in. That poor guy heard and saw EVERYTHING.


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