Chapter 1 : Firestarter

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*The year is 1941, The world is caught in a war that is devastating for anyone involved in it.The axis powers have an upper hand though in this war, the technology is highly more efficient and advanced. But yet here we are in a small town in North America spectating a 16 year old boy that goes by the name Cire. It is day time but snow storms come around on a daily basis, here we see two guys (Cire Scott's and Innocent young).*

Cire: You ever have thought about the feeling of being torn apart ?

Innocent: Jesus Christ Cire what kind of question is that !?

Cire: It was a damn question dude

Innocent: Yea yea...but anyways have you seen Rose anywhere?

Cire: nah

*Rose Bluviks, an interesting young woman with the intentions of controlling magic(weird ain't it?).*

Rose: Boo!

Innocent: *Screams like a little girl* What the fuck Rose!

Rose: Got ya good didn't I?

Cire: That shit was pretty funny *laughing his ass off*

Innocent: Shut the fuck up Cire

Rose: Oh don't be like that  Innocent

Innocent: I'm out of here *Walks into town*

Now that was a small situation with 3 of our main characters in this story. Lets see how long they can hold out for the future events to come.

Cire: He'll be fine

Rose: Trust ya on that one...

*8 hours later*

Cire: Innocent called us out here why in hells name are we still waiting for him??

Rose: be patient Cire..

Innocent: Hello hello ya missed me?

Cire: hmm I don't know maybe....

Rose: We've been waiting for you...

Innocent: My bad

Innocent has planned the group to meet up in the woods for something rather strange, why the fuck did he decide to plan this in the middle of the fucking night.

Cire: Why did ya bring us out here ?

Innocent: Something concerning is going on around here

Cire: About what?

Rose: Possibly the amount of gaurds and recruiting station being placed around here. Always in and out for no reason

Cire: Y'all been catching on about that too?

Innocent: Man our town is small and isolated in the middle of nowhere why in god's name is the military snooping around here?

Cire: Probably for our safety?

Rose: You think it's for our safety?

Innocent: Retard

Cire: Nuh uh

Rose: Well....

Cire starts yapping about his intelligence causing Innocent to get mad in some way and gets out without them knowing, why is Innocent so mad??

Cire: Innocent fucking left us again and we're alone here

Rose: You know the way back?

Cire: ehhhh kinda

Rose: Well I hope you can keep up!

Rose dashes out in the woods in the dark like any sane person would do in an instant.

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