Chapter 2 : Treason

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We've gotten back in time to the year 1939. The earliest battles of WW2 have passed, the world is in a critical state in this time of war. Many want to fight and others want this war to end, but some take this occurrence as a chance to do unimaginable horrors in our shadows across the globe like a ant tunnel across our land. The tale of the Scavengers have been placed in our hands.

AntiZero: two...take those crates of guns and supplies on those trucks so they can be passed around our brothers through the area!

Worker 1: Have mercy on our very souls we are tired man ..and also my back is just murdering me in this moment...

Worker 2: Uh yea..same here...

AntiZero: You fuckin lazy shits...*Pulls out a magnum revolver* I will paint the ground with your useless brains!

Elize: It's ok my Lord I will situation this

Worker 1: Aww helping your daddy discipline us? *Scoffs*

Elize: Your purpose here is to make money right?

Worker 1: ehh yea

Elize: Then get your lazy ass back to work you useless scum of shit you are nothing like anyone's like your dad gave you no love what's so ever... because he never existed didn't he?

Both workers: damn ok dude...

Technically it is now the present time (1941)

Cire: You ever feel like something horrific will happen soon at some point?

Innocent: nah man

Rose: Eh probably not

Cire: That's what insomnia gets ya to

Innocent: Another famous Cire adventure...this time it's no sleep.

Cire: Maybe if messing with gunpowder doesn't addict ya as much as a firearm you would've been like me

Rose: You feel tired ?

Cire: No not at all

Innocent: As usual

The weather outside is absolutely beautiful but also very brutal at being 15 degrees in Fahrenheit, many people choose to stay indoors, unlike our famous trio

It's so cold...
Dear God it's so cold...

Cire: Just love how it's like mid November and the snow is already piling up like crazy

Rose: it's real nice

Now we go slightly back in time in the year of 1941, where we meet our other famous little group.

Nowell, The leader of a group named The Elites. Think of the peacekeepers that actually don't use peace on others in a conflict.

The main target are the Scavengers, is like a cold war with those two but either way it still has people threatening each other.

Nowell : I always have this feeling that something terrible might happen.

Nightmare: ...

Nowell: Are you deeply sure Nightmare?

Nightmare: ...

Nowell : *looks out in the distance* Hopefully, most of leave this world without pain and with peace...

Nightmare: ...

Nowell : Trinor did tell me about some dead corpse alongside, she examined it though but I'm still sure it has to be some sort of warning from the Scavengers.

Nightmare : ...

Nowell : Same with me man...

Nightmare : ...

Nowell : Yes, Katie did tell me

Nightmare: ...

Nowell : The main guy who runs the show is known as " AntiZero " . He is the founder and also holds responsible of the Scavengers. Like the trades with the Nazis and or the Japs.

Nightmare : ...

Nowell : Treason is the least thing I'm concerned of. We need to get some more gear no matter what.

Nightmare : ...

Present time,1941

Dead of night..

The trio are at Cire's place for some fun

Cire: And now you put the fuse in here..

Rose : Easy

Innocent: No no no it's not "easy"

Cire: You will have some fun with this when you learn later on

Innocent: I'm heading off man

Cire: Oh come on...

Innocent: It's getting late

Rose: Good point

Cire: Ok fine...

Rose: You can leave Innocent, I'll stay with Cire for the remainder of the night

Innocent: Well enough *leaves*

Back into the year of 1939 once again spectating on the Scavenger leader (AntiZero) . Having a deal with a Naz! Officer

AntiZero: Now is it really necessary to be out here?

Ss Officer: The cause is to avoid Treason against my own

AntiZero: Yea... Whatever you say...

Ss Officer: As promised before....the guns and the supplies have been transported to you for in return I get medical aid for my men post battle....

AntiZero: Yea..mhm...ok...

Ss Officer: And where are your men ?

AntiZero: They'll be here soon on..

Ss Officer: *slightly annoyed * The hell do you mean they'll be here soon? I thought you were ready...

AntiZero: I guess you didn't get the message ...

Ss Officer: What exactly do you mean *Secretly reaching for for his Walther P38*

AntiZero: Say "Austsch mine Eier" to your Nazi balls you bastard

Ss Officer: Huh !?

AntiZero's men the Scavengers have planned an attack on the Nazis for a long time, this might be an act of good but soon on it would worsen the cost of lives of millions and maybe even billions. Blood, screaming, and the corpses of many soon rise upon us all...

Gunner Scav: *comes out of nowhere and open fires towards the Officer*

The officer received a mash potato head of a brain after a few seconds and the right arm is directly blown off.

AntiZero: Excellent....*Pulls out revolver* the others ready?

Gunner Scav: They are ready sir !

The small platoon of Scavengers and AntiZero as well soon rises onto a hill away from the Officers order of operations. Soon on the Scavenger organization invades the secretive Nazi base with fair ease at first but the soon on they have gotten outnumbered. AntiZero's group rises onto a hill as said before, which is a good spot for covering fire......

AntiZero: Kill em' all !!

The ground was polluted with bullet shells...

AntiZero: *looks over the corpses* Have a fun time in Hell *laughs*

AntiZero: *looks over the corpses* Have a fun time in Hell *laughs*

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