Chapter 3: S.D.E

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We will soon find out...

Innocent: Pretty scary if we all got drafted to that bloody war that's going on right now

Both Cire and Rose shrugged it off

Innocent: Legit guys

Cire: We're too young man, it doesn't really matter right now

Rose: Cire has a good point Innocent

Innocent: Eh nevermind...

Cire: Exactly

Innocent: Yea yea

Cire: Since we have nothing to do how about you show us your little toy gun collection Innocent?

Innocent: it's called an arsenal you fucking bitch *clearly pissed off*

Cire: Alright then

Rose: Stop fighting you two...let's just get this over with...

The group heads over to Innocents small shed which hold his arsenal.

Innocent: This is here is the m1903 Springfield..... Isn't it beautiful?

This bastard is literally showing it off like a relic

Cire: What about the ones with knives ?

Rose: Bayonets Cire....

Cire: Bayonet?

Innocent: Yes Cire a fucking bayonet, dumbass

Rose looks around

Rose: How did you get all of this ?

Innocent: Families passing it out through the generations you know...

Cire: You could have collected swords or hatchets but look where we are...

Innocent: Lunatic mother fucker

Cire: How?

Rose: Quit it already

Cire: You want to keep fucking with me mother fucker? Fuck you.

Innocent: Alright then if that's how you want to be-

Cire swings his right arm towards Innocent's face

Innocent and Cire fist fight each other, causing the both of them to receive bloody noses , Innocent also gets a mild injury to his left eye. Cire cuts Innocent with a broken piece of glass as in the same time stuck in a chokehold from Innocent.


Innocent: Try that again mother fucker

Cire: With pleasure!

Rose: stop it you two!

We jump to the year 1940,December 24

Nowell: Pass those drinks Katie!

Katie: No problem sir!

Trinor: Celebration eh?

Nightmare: ...

Nowell: A small one but we definitely need the drinks

Katie: Are you thirsty Nightmare?

Nightmare grabs the alcohol

Katie: Trinor ?

Trinor: Sure I guess...

Trinor grabs the alcohol

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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