Chapter 5: Yell in the corridors, receive detention as a gift.

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'That', Y/n said. 'Is just a photo'

Yeah. Those are the five words she kept repeating from the morning. The photo of Harry  and her. She was sitting, not exactly, in the Hufflepuff common room, with her head rested on Kitty's lap. Kitty seemed a lot better than when she met her in her home. The problem was... the way everyone pitied her. The way the others came and consoled her, reminding her of him.

'You looked cuter in the pic', said Zach. 'Never gonna lie'

Hannah Abbott gave a small cough. 

'You think I look better when I'm asleep, because I don't get mad and slap you?'

'Probably, yeah', said Zach. He had just realized what the actual question was. 'I-- uh-- Sorry, Y/n...'

Y/n chortled. 'I wasn't gonna do anything, man! chill!', she said.'Harry doesn't even have feelings for me... he has other, better, cuter and hotter girls'

'What if I say you're the other, better, cuter ho--'

'Shut your fucking mouth Zachary! your girlfriend's gonna kill me then', she said playfully. Hannah was the possessive girl, she would do anything for getting Zach.

'Yeah.. yeah', he said. 'Hey, have you completed the potions essay?'

'I haven't written the title yet!, Shit!', said Kitty.

'Yep', said Y/n casually. 'On the night Snape gave that'

'Wow, you really have fun and study at the same time!', he said. 

Y/n winked and got up from Kitty's lap. 'Shall I get it for you two?'

'Please', they said at the same time, looking at her with their puppy eyes. 

'Fine, stay here', she called out as she walked out of the Hufflepuff basements and made her way towards the Gryffindor tower. 


Something inside her brain said that she was going to see her most unwanted person and get into trouble---

She fell down. 

'Watch where you're going, Granger!'

Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. He too was down, his books scattered around him. He looked a bit annoyed than usual, a bit angry.

'Malfoy,' she said. 'Long time, no see'

'Shut up and get my books!'

'I'm not your maid, to do whatever you say!'

'You pushed me'

'No you did, you kept your eyes wandering!'

'Your eyes were levitating!'

'I'll send a letter to your mum!'

'Threatening me, I see', he snarled.

'What will you do? tell your father?'

'Y/n!', called Professor McGonagall's voice. 'Malfoy! why did you push her?, Y/n are you hurt?'

'No Professor, We just bumped into each other', said Y/n.

'Y/n was the one who never saw me coming with my books!', said Draco.

'Don't make me swear, Malfoy'

'Quiet!', snarled Professor McGonagall. 'Why were you two yelling in a deserted corridor? What if Dolores saw you?'

'Probably gave me detention and Draco sent to his dorm', said Y/n.

'Detention, both of you, my office, follow me!', said Professor McGonagall. 'Next time, you'll remember not to yell in the corridors'

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