Chapter 8: A new start which has no heartbreak.

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'Okay', said Harry quietly, while a moth-eaten troll paused in his relentless clubbing of the would-be ballet teacher to watch. 'Dobby said to walk past this bit of wall three times, concentrating hard on what we need'.

'Where's Y/n?', asked Hermione.

'She'll be in the right place at the right time, Hermione... I've already told her'

'Fine then'


They did so, turning sharply at the window just beyond the blank stretch of wall, then at the man-size vase on its other side. Ron had screwed up his eyes in concentration, Hermione was whispering something under her breath, Harry's fists were clenched as he stared ahead of him.

We need somewhere to learn to fight. . . . he thought. Just give us a place to practice . . . somewhere they can't find us . . .

'Harry', said Hermione sharply, as they wheeled around after their third walk passed.

A highly polished door had appeared in the wall. Ron was staring at it, looking slightly wary. Harry reached out, seized the brass handle, pulled open the door, and led the way into a spacious room lit with flickering torches like those that illuminated the dungeons eight floorsbelow.

The walls were lined with wooden bookcases, and instead of chairs there were large silk cushions on the floor. A set of shelves at the far end of the room carried a range of instruments such as Sneakoscopes, Secrecy Sensors, and a large, cracked Foe-Glass that Harry was sure had hung, the previous year, in the fake Moody's office.

'And just look at these books!' said Hermione excitedly, running a finger along the spines of the books. 'A Compendium of Common Curses and Their Counter Actions . . . The Dark Arts Outsmarted . . . Self-Defensive Spellwork . . . wow . . .".

Harry saw her face glowing, and the presence of hundreds of books had finally convinced Hermione that what they were doing was right. 


'Right', said Harry, 'shall we get practicing then? I was thinking, the first thing we should do is Expelliarmus, you know, the Disarming Charm. I know it's pretty basic but I've found it really useful —'

'Oh please,' said Zacharias Smith, rolling his eyes and folding his arms. 'I don't think Expelliarmus is exactly going to help us against You-Know-Who, do you?'

'I've used it against him,' said Harry quietly. 'It saved my life last June'.

Zach opened his mouth to say something, but the rest of the room was very quiet. 

'But if you think it's beneath you, you can leave,' Harry said.

Zach did not move. Nor did anybody else.

'Okay,' said Harry, his mouth slightly drier than usual, 'I reckon we should all divide into pairs and practice'.


He partnered himself with Neville and started practicing. 

'I DID IT!' said Neville gleefully. 'I've never done it before — I DID IT!'

'Good one!', said Harry encouraging. 'Hey!'

Someone had thrown their hands on his neck from behind. Hey somehow came to know it was Y/n, the girl he loved. She smelt wonderful, like fruit, a bit minty , and a citrus scent?... She smelt like a freshly embellished Rose.

'It's me Harry', she said. 

'I know it's you, Y/n', he said. 'You smell awfully good'

'Really?', she said, climbing off him and examining herself from her foot to her head. 'It's the same perfume I used yesterday, a week before, a year before---'

'Oh.. Uh... Yeah, you're right', his face flushed as he noticed Neville still standing there.  'Hey, Neville, can you take it in turns to practice with Ron and Hermione for a couple of minutes so I can walk around and see how the rest are doing?' 

'It's Okay, Harry', he said and went to practice with Hermione and Ron. 

'Now, now, Miss Fantasy', he said, pretending to be a teacher. 'Pull out your wand and practice---'

'Expelliarmus', she yelled with her wand pointed at him. Harry flew a feet or two away and fell down

'Hey!', he said, getting up and brushing his clothes. 'I was giving you instructions!'

'And, you want me to follow that, Mr. Flirt?', Y/n said, slightly giggling. 

'I know you're brainier than me, but it's... It's Dumbledore's Army--'

'The name's ain't nice, Harry', she said. 'Who named it?'

'Ginny', he said. 'That's not the point of coming here'

'The D.A, sounds better', she said nodding. 'Hey! I didn't write my name!'

She went and signed the paper with had, DUMBLEDORE'S ARMY  on top followed by the names of the people who came there, Y/n was the last one to sign in it, probably.


Harry was the last to leave the room of Requirements. 

Excluding Y/n who was playing with the unusual, bluish, demon-like pixies flying around in there. He smirked at the way she spoke to them. The way she smiled. The way she blinked. The way she moved. They way she turned to him and smirked. The way she walked closer to him.

'Mr. Flirt? Why are you so dumbfounded?', she asked Harry, who nervously scratched the back of his neck. 'Getting jealous over a pixie?'

'Not at all', he said. 'Just, getting a bit nervous'

'There's nothing in this room to get nervous about', she said shrugging.

'But you are'

Y/n knew it was his playful flirt. But it didn't sound very playful. It was serious. It was true. He flirted like a lover boy. His green emerald dreamy eyes seemed to glimmer slightly, Y/n looked at his eyes, where she saw the reflection of herself getting closer to him. He pulled her closer. He smelt like a treacle tart and...somewhat like a new broom.

'Miss. Fantasy, Do I get the permission and right to kiss you, wherever, whenever and however, and I promise you that I'll never leave your side, until the very end, Will you be my girlfriend, Miss Y/n Fantasy Granger?'

He looked at her breathlessly for an answer, as she grinned and said, 'Yes, you may, Mr. Flirt. You shall get my permission and the rights to kiss me whenever, wherever and so on... I will be your fucking Girlfriend!'

'Seriously!? I didn't expect that !', Harry said excitedly.

'Shut up and kiss me, idiot!'

His lips were placed on hers, as the whole world blanked out, there were only them. Only Harry and Y/n, it was their world, they were alone. Harry seemed to have waited for ages to do that, Y/n smiled at him as they broke apart. This could be the start, a new start. Where the end has no heartbreak, Y/n thought.

I will protect and keep you safe Y/n, no matter what comes our way, Harry thought and cupped her face.


word count : 1086

A.N: you probably didn't expect that did you?.... I surely didn't.. 


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