Part 12

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Fast forwarding to a year later, on one the days, Kendall was sitting out at the hallway near the SP room, watching anime on her phone with headphones on. "No Mika! Yu, why?!"

"Huh..? Kendall?"

She paused the video and took out her earbuds. "Hey Kenta."

"Nice to see you! What are you up to?"

"I was watching an episode and I'm waiting for Mizuki. They're having a meeting right now."

"That so? I guess I have to reschedule for another time..."

"Were you going to go sparring with Kaiji?"


"I heard that you've been practicing judo together recently."

"Yes! Since I'm aiming to be a bodyguard, I figured I should train harder. Someday I'll be able to protect you- No I mean..! So I can fulfill my dream of protecting the Prime Minister!"

"Good luck! I believe in you!"

"Thank you Kendall! But I didn't come here today to go to the dojo. I'm here because I was asked to bring this letter to Mizuki."

"Want me to give it to him?"

"Really? I wouldn't mind if you did!" He gave her the envelope.

"Thank you." She put the letter in her purse.

After waiting a while more, Kendall and Mizuki were going to her car. They buckled up and were ready to go. "I got something for you." She took out the envelope from her purse and gave it to him.

"What's this? Oh... Postcards."

"Who's it from?"

"It's from my parents. They mailed it at my work, because I was a little busy when I moved and forgot."

"Yeah... You 'forgot'." She air quoted with her fingers.

"They know my cell number so if anything happens they can reach me."


"Oh, right. Kendall, can we stop by the store real quick? I want to get dinner."

"Sure. I'll drive us there."

She started the car and they were on their way. "I do want dessert, but I think I'd prefer you for dessert."

"Sure, I'll be your dessert tonight."

"You are the sweetest thing to me. So... Can I eat you last?"

"You can eat me anytime you want." 'Innuendo!'

"Hehe. I look forward to it. Seems like it'll be a fun night."

"Oh yes. It will be a fun night indeed."

When they stopped by the store, they went to Mizuki's apartment and soon after finished dinner. It was already 9 at night. "Kendall, want some chamomile tea?"

"Yes, please."

"Alright. Feel free to do whatever while you wait."

"Okey dokey." She pulled out her phone to watch more of the anime.

About ten minutes later... "Here's your chamomile tea." He placed it on a coaster.

"Thank you." She took a sip. "Mmm! This is really good!"

"Thank you! I'm glad you like it."

"I saw that the postcards, and I saw that one of them is from your high school talking about a reunion."

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