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Holy shit.

Holy shit.

What the fuck?

Y/n turned his phone away from Aruna, hoping the naga's sharp eyes didn't catch what had just popped up on his phone. Another person had matched with him? That was impossible. Count on the suspicious app to be having all sorts of errors in it..

"Is something wrong?" Aruna looked curiously at him, "do you need to rush off somewhere?"

"Oh, not at all," Y/n lied, "I just got, um, a message I wasn't quite expecting.."

He glanced at it again. Congratulations! The annoying notification read. Should he click on it? What if a virus infected his phone? What if—

Ah, screw it. His fingers found its way and clicked onto the button, immediately bringing him to a profile. And this time..

Y/n squinted. There was no profile picture, first of all—and the person's name was called Jin, supposedly, and second..

"A dragon?" Y/n couldn't help but let out a muffled gasp, clamping his hand over his mouth, "okay, that's a lot more to take in. A living, breathing dragon—"

"Why would you be curious about dragons?" Aruna narrowed his eyes, interrupting Y/n's train of thought, "did you perhaps..."

Y/n pondered over his actions. Would it be wise to reveal this startling development? In the middle of a date? Y/n didn't know much about snakes, but he certainly knew bringing up another person during a romantic conversation was a huge no in the dating rule books. Yet concealing it would seem a little backhanded.

"Oh, nothing," Y/n said instead, clearing his throat, "my friend just sent me some book recommendations. Like, um, Harry Potter."

Did Harry Potter have dragons inside? Oh right, there was. Hagrid adopted one, he remembered—the dragon egg—

"It's hard to believe dragons are probably real, too, if Nagas are real," Y/n continued one fumbling over his words, "are you friends with anyone that are dragons? Like.."

"I know a few," Aruna speared a piece of cake, popping it into his mouth, "and they prove to be reliable creatures, yes, but there was one who was incessantly annoying. A fake person, down to his very bone. He would act all cheerful and sweet, and I would catch him nearly killing someone a mere five minutes later. They're dangerous," He scoffed, "extremely so."

Okay, Y/n's first impression wasn't good already...

"But I suppose it's more of a personal vendetta," Aruna admitted, "we Nagas and Dragons find it very hard to coexist, because we are both similar creatures. There are myths that say certain Nagas evolve into Dragons. Depicting us like the lesser kinds," He frowned.

Okay...some hostility here...

It definitely wouldn't be a good idea to bring up the fact Y/n had matched with a dragon on a date with a naga. Was this considered two timing? Y/n swallowed. Okay, but Y/n hadn't even chatted with the stranger yet..and he didn't plan to. After the date, he would probably text Aruna a small note, so no further misunderstandings would arise.

Most likely, it would be a system error.

" you two don't get along?" Y/n asked dismally. This would make breaking the news a lot harder.

"Majority are fine," Aruna lowered his eyes, "I do not like the idea of hating—of hating a whole species. After all, there will always be good amongst people. If we had that mindset, we would have condemned humans."

"Humans?" Y/n echoed, "like..."

"There were a few that threatened our existence."

"And now you are matched to one," Y/n smiled awkwardly, "surely it doesn't bother you? That your—your mate," He struggled to say the words, "is a human."

𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐏𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | yandere [BL] ✓ Where stories live. Discover now