A Red-haired man & his Daughter!

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"Well, that was an eventful day," Izuku muttered to himself as he walked through Mt. Colubo's forest, thinking about the day he had spent there. Normally, he would have had Ace accompanying him, but unfortunately, he was down with he fever at the moment. So with Ace out of the picture, the only choices Izuku had were to stay inside the house while reading something or to go and wander on his own. However, since he was not in the mood to read anything, he decided to do the latter.

After deciding to spend his day outside, Izuku slung his pre-paid 'emergency backpack' over his shoulder and left the house. Once outside, he wandered through the forest for a few hours. Following that, he tried his hand at fishing but couldn't catch a single thing, much to the amusement of the monkeys watching him from the nearby trees. Later, he had to fight those same monkeys when he attempted to take some bananas from the trees and managed to successfully repel them, after all, it wasn't the first time he had to fight them, thanks to his grandfather's weird training methods. Now, he was on his way back to Foosha Village. Since today was a Friday, and as per his agreement with his grandfather, he planned to spend the rest of the weekend at Makino's place.

As he walked, his mind unwillingly drifted back to the memories of his past life, making him wonder what his friends might be doing right now. He imagined various scenarios: who could be dating whom, which pro heroes his friends might be interning with, and many more things that brought a smile to his face.

But then, darker thoughts started flooding his mind, making him think about how they must have forgotten about him by now and moved on with their lives. He imagined himself reduced to a forgotten memory, remembered only by accident from time to time. He wondered if Ochako had found someone...

Izuku shook his head forcefully, steering his mind away from those dark thoughts. He kept reminding himself that his friends were like family to him, and he was to them. They would never let his memory become a forgotten relic in the attic. Moreover, Ochako was his best friend, and he wholeheartedly believed that she deserved better than to be tied down by the memory of a dead man. Despite their unresolved feelings towards each other, he really wanted Ochako to find someone who could love and support her. No matter how much pain he felt just thinking about her with someone else, he knew it was best for her to find happiness in her life.

Another reason he didn't want to descend into the rabbit hole of these negative thoughts was the fact that just the thought of Eri or Kota forgetting about him was enough to send him into depression, which he didn't want right now.

Fortunately for him, his train of thought broke when he heard a sudden noise. 'Hmm? What was that?' he thought to himself, trying to locate the source of the sound. Then he heard the sound again; this time, however, he was able to guess where it was coming from and walked towards it.


"Darn it! Why won't it work!" Uta exclaimed, stomping her feet on the ground. The ten-year-old girl, with red and white hair, was extremely thirsty and irritated making her more agitated than usual. "No matter how hard I try, I just can't reduce the output..." she sighed, looking at the various trees that were snapped in half around her.

Taking a deep breath, Uta decided to give it another try. She closed her eyes and concentrated power in her palm, causing the wind to spiral in her hands until it created a sphere of dense wind with a greenish hue. "Here goes nothing..." Uta said as she threw the sphere at a nearby tree. As soon as the sphere made contact with the stem, it exploded, ripping the tree in half, much to Uta's ire.

However, before she could express her irritation and anger, she heard a voice, "Whoa, that was so cool!" Looking towards the voice, she saw a boy with green hair and green eyes, looking at the tree she had just exploded with amazed eyes.

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