Chapter 9

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"I shouldn't have just left yesterday. I'm really sorry. I was somehow overwhelmed at that moment. Because although you were of course right about what you said, I couldn't and didn't want to agree with you. It's true, you are the best option for getting close to Ms. Isari and being accepted into her inner circle. And yes, we are using you to that end. But I wanted to bring you to the shoot not only because it's my mission to protect you, but also to thank you a little for your support in our mission. I thought that I could make you happy as my fan. But I didn't think about how it must have made you feel. To be honest, I'm not a man of many words and always assume that everyone around me already knows what I want. But yesterday that was my downfall when I made you believe that I only wanted to take you with me because of my mission." Yibo explained.

Zhan sneezed vigorously and motioned for Yibo to just follow him. In Zhan's office, Zhan grabbed a fleece blanket from his closet, wrapped it around himself and sat down at his desk. "Well?" He finally asked Yibo, without really knowing why.

Yibo looked at him worriedly. "I brought you two things as an apology."

"Oh." Zhan replied and took a large brown envelope from Yibo. He opened the envelope and found a few pictures taken yesterday at the commercial shoot, Yibo told him he could stick them in his photo album, and he found something even more amazing inside. A copy of Yibo's employment contract. Most of the text had been blacked out by Yibo. Only one part was legible. The part with a clause that Yibo had demanded.

The clause reads: "I, Federal Agent XYZ, hereby certify that Agent Wang Yibo is not required to physically/intimately engage with a target at any time while working for the XYZ government agency."

"I demanded this clause when I started working for the agency. Because unlike many of my colleagues, I'm not willing to get involved with a target in any kind of intimate way. It's important to me that you know that, because you hinted at something like that yesterday concerning me and Mrs. Isari." Yibo explained.

Zhan stared at the clause and read it over several times. He was relieved not to have to witness Yibo and Mrs. Isari getting closer and doing who knows what. "I don't know what else to say, except wow." Zhan replied, placing the copy of the contract, or rather, one side of the contract, back on the brown envelope.

Yibo took the copy and put it in the shredder next to Zhan's desk. Then he looked at Zhan again, so worried, and sniffed. "Oh no, are you sick?" Yibo asked in horror.

"Yes. Um, I should probably wear a mask now after all."

"Screw the mask. I won't catch anything that quickly. Why are you here and not at home in bed?"

"Are you worried that I won't be fit again by Saturday evening?"

"No. I'm not."

"Then what?"

"I'm worried about you. You belong in a bed and not in the office."

"Hahaha, worried about me."

"It's true."

"Never mind. I still have work to do and I can't put it off any longer."

"Then grab your stuff and work from bed, for my sake. But don't sit here and risk it getting worse." Said Yibo. Zhan wanted to disagree, but didn't have the strength. Instead, he gave in and let Yibo drive him home, where he flopped into his bed.

Since Yibo had obviously decided to make sure that Zhan stayed in his bed, because he didn't leave Zhan's apartment and instead positioned himself on the sofa in Zhan's living room, Zhan simply stayed in bed and was soon asleep. Zhan only woke up again when the doorbell rang. And by then it was already lunchtime.

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