Chapter 13

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The interest in Yibo was so great that even after Zhan had taken a tour of both lounges and eaten something, he was still surrounded by many guests and Zhan could hardly get closer than three meters to him. However, the two assured each other with glances that everything was all right.

When Zhan saw a couple who had just taken a tour of the entire first floor and were impressed, he decided to take a tour while Yibo was still being held by his followers. In addition to the two bathrooms, he found a well-stocked library and a TV room. And then he came to the kitchen, which really impressed him.

Everything in the kitchen was up to date and very modern. It was even equipped with the stove that Zhan himself had pined over in the kitchen store but hadn't been able to afford. The same applied to the fridge, which had two doors and where he could even get ice cubes at the front of one door by pressing a button.

Zhan's interest in the kitchen abruptly waned, however, when he passed a door that apparently led down to the basement. The acrid smell of bleach and chlorine hit his nose. However, he didn't assume that she might have a pool down there and that was why it smelled so strongly of chlorine. Because he knew that smell only too well himself. After all, he had used the same chlorine and bleach to clean his bathroom and kitchen after his parents had bought him his apartment.

As his parents had bought the apartment unseen and cheaply through an estate agent, they only knew the pictures on the internet and had no idea of the true condition of the apartment. Zhan only found this out when his parents gave him the keys and the purchase contract and he saw his apartment for the first time.

As soon as he opened the front door, he was hit by an unpleasant smell that made him feel sick. He went inside, opened the balcony door and then went to look around. The stench was in every room. But it was worst in the bathroom and the kitchen. He tried to get the stench out with normal cleaners, but he couldn't do it. A professional cleaner recommended chlorine and bleach. Zhan immediately bought these from an internet store and then, wearing a protective mask and protective suit, cleaned these two rooms. The stench actually disappeared and everything shone again.

It was only after he moved in that he found out what had caused the stench in his apartment. The two tenants, an elderly couple, had died there. The husband suffered a heart attack and died in the kitchen. And the wife died in the bathroom while sitting on the toilet. No one could determine exactly which of them died first. This one neighbor could only tell Zhan that the two dead were only discovered when the penetrating decaying smell had spread throughout the house.

Zhan was naturally disgusted to know that these two had died in his apartment and that this stench had come from their decomposing bodies. But at the same time, he still wanted to stay there. He loved the apartment as soon as the stench was gone. And after his dad had wallpapered all the rooms, painted, laid new floors and Zhan's furniture was in place, it was just perfect!

Curious about what was behind this door, Zhan put one hand on the door handle and was about to push it down. But then he remembered that Yibo had told him to report anything suspicious or unusual to Yibo. But Yibo was far too distracted by his conversations with the guests. So what should he do now?

Just as Zhan was about to open the door, the kitchen door opened and Zhan quickly jumped to the side, pretending to be interested in the spices on the shelf next to the door. He slowly turned around to face the person and was surprised to see that it was Isko. And Isko seemed equally surprised to find Zhan there. "What are you doing here?" Isko wanted to know and hurried to Zhan with quick steps.

"Um, I was bored. My companion is busy and doesn't have time for me. So I thought I'd take a look around the house." Zhan replied and felt himself getting hot. Inwardly, he prayed that he wouldn't get red cheeks and that Isko would buy his lie.

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