Stolen Stares

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"It'll be fine. I'll just take you around the neighborhood for a few minutes and we'll be right back" Folio explained as he handed over a spare helmet. I took the helmet it my hands, it's heavier than I expected. We stood in the guys driveway in the middle of the August heat, Noah and Nicholas stood by to watch.

Sliding the helmet over my head I watched Nick swing his leg over the bike in front of us.

"You ready?" he asked and suddenly I heard his voice clearly through the helmet.

"I guess so" I murmured as I climbed onto the bike behind him. It felt awkward being so close to a practical stranger. I barely know the guys and now my front is pressed into Nicks back in a weirdly intimate position. Once I settled on the seat I gingerly wrapped my arms around his midsection.

"Don't be shy" Folio said with a laugh before cranking the bike which caused me to jump, giving him another laugh before taking off. The drive at first was horrifying, but I can't deny the breeze felt lovely against my skin seeing as standing there I could already feel the slight dampening on my neck from where my hair lays. It was only a few short minutes through the neighboring streets, all houses I recognize from the multiple different ways I've driven to Ryan's house. When our houses came back into view Folio sped up a quick second before coming to sudden halt in the driveway.

"How was it?" Nicholas asked as we took our helmets off.

"Scary" a nervous laugh left my lips as I quickly hopped off the bike in the most ladylike fashion my clumsy self could muster.

"First ride always is" Noah said as he reached to tame a stray hair that had static from the helmet. I tired to ignore the gesture seeing as it would cause my cheeks to flush if I thought about it to much.

"The question is. would you do it again?" Folio asked as he stepped off the bike and collected my helmet from me.

"I think so" I wasn't entirely sure but my answer caused the boys to laugh, this time my cheeks flushed.

'What do you want for your birthday?" Ryan asked through a mouth full of food. we are currently in the living room, digging into take out like we used to in my old apartment. It felt odd to have an old ritual done in a new environment, it's something I have to get used to though.

"You've done enough for me" I dismissed with a shake of my head before taking another bite.

"No!, you don't get to pull that card. You are newly single and you deserve birthday festivities." she countered. "Right B?" she turned to Brett for backup.

"We're throwing a party." he stated simply with a apologetic look.

"Please, don't. You know I don't like attention." I sat back in my seat as I began to lose my appetite.

"I know I know" Ry raised her hands in defense. "How about this," she paused for a sip of her red wine. "How about, no birthday cake, no singing, just food alcohol and a pool party?" she offered with a hopeful look.

I thought about it for a long moment before I took a deep breath. "Fine." I caved.

"Oh! This is so exciting!" Ryan beamed with a large clap of her hands. "I can't wait! where should we start?" her speech sped up the longer she spoke.

"I've created a monster" I spoke softly, to go unnoticed by my rambling friend but enough to be heard by her better half, earning a laugh.

"What have you done?" he jokingly added.

"I've made a great mistake."

"So anyway, I've got a pre-birthday surprise for you" Ryan said as she settled down. "What would you say if I told you I have found a very eligible bachelor?" I watched her say as she tried to suppress her own excitement over the subject.

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