15 | oh cecilia

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"oh cecilia,
you're breaking my heart
you're shaking my confidence daily"

September 23, 2014, Sheffield


Cecilia arrived late morning and she's already getting on everyone's nerves.

The guys have been making sound adjustments for tonight's show, and Cecilia was glued to them - well, mostly to Brad, but that's another problem. She's only supposed to be involved before the show, for the dressing-up, but she managed to spend the whole day with them - the technical crews are already sick of her presence. Cassie came to see me several times during the day, begging me to hide her in case Cecilia turned up.

As for me, I spent a good part of the afternoon with Dean so that I'm ready to photograph tonight's concert - I mustn't forget that I'm here first and foremost for my internship. The official photographer also usually films the preparations for the concert and the band's day, so that he can make a kind of mini report he calls "Dear Diary".

"I edit them, then put them on YouTube," he explains with a smile. I know that fans look forward to these Dear Diaries, so I try to do them for every concert day or event.

He seems passionate about what he does and it's nice to see. He's even offered me the chance to try filming a few sequences so that I can add them to the final video.

I catch a glimpse of James - he's apparently managed to extricate himself from the Cecilia tornado and is now heading my way.

"Alex, I can't take it anymore!" he starts with a sigh. "She's everywhere, constantly raising her voice. Save me little sister," he says, hiding behind me.

That's when I see her coming, hooked on Brad's arm - otherwise it wouldn't be funny.

"James! Why are you hiding behind...," she hesitates for a moment, glaring at me. "Behind that little person?" she finishes, accompanying her words with a look of disdain.

Hateful. I'm not that little either! But she's not worth getting upset about - she'll hate me all on her own if she likes.

"Cecilia," Brad begins peacefully, "this is Alex. She's James' little sister, our photographer intern and friend. And Alex, this is..."

"His girlfriend!" she interrupts. "Nice to meet you," she introduces herself with a hypocritical smile taped to her lips.

I don't know what makes me laugh the most. Between Brad's horrified expression, the giggle James is trying so hard to contain and Cecilia's aplomb, I'm spoilt for choice.

"We're not together, Cecilia," Brad replies, turning to her in annoyance.

"It won't be long now," she says, turning and walking off with a catwalk-like swagger - or so she thinks, because I'm looking more at a giraffe trying to walk on stilts than a Victoria Secret model.

My brother and I look at each other and burst out laughing - he was already holding back laughter, so this didn't help. Brad, meanwhile, approaches me, gives me a light kiss on the cheek, mumbles a "sorry" and walks over to Cecilia.

"Wait, what was that?" my brother asks me, his eyes as round as saucers, all laughter having deserted him.

"I don't know," I reply, putting my hand to my cheek as if to check I hadn't been dreaming.

"I knew it!" shouts James, taking me in his arms. "I'll give you two weeks maximum before you get together. And know that you have my blessing, little sister! I confess that at first I was rather against it, but I've thought it over and changed my mind!" he finishes with a big smile.

"Calm down, big brother," I say with a sigh. "Have you seen how he follows Cecilia? I don't stand a chance."

"There must be some reason why he can't tell her to go to hell, believe me. Anyway, I'm so happy! I'm off to tell the others: Tris and Con are going to be thrilled!" he exclaims, running backstage.

I sigh, thinking that he's always extrapolating too much. But it's true that what Brad has done is disturbing. I decide not to think about it too much and meet Dean at the side of the stage. He gives me the setlist and quickly explains where I should stand for each song.

"For Oh Cecilia, you'd better stand on the right side," he begins.

I beg your pardon? Did the band write a song in honor of this girl? I knew she'd made an impact on Brad's life, but not to this extent.

I concentrate again and tell myself not to be disturbed by what I've just learned. Dean also informs me that, as this is my first concert as a photographer, I don't have to stay for the hour and a half of the show, and can go backstage before it's over.

The concert starts in less than an hour and the whole team is buzzing. People are running around trying to sort out the many last-minute technical problems, and the guys are with Cecilia in the dressing room - knowing she's so close to them makes me furious, but there's nothing I can do about it.

I meet up with Dean in front of the stage and he gives me the final instructions for the photos I'm supposed to take tonight.

"Don't hesitate to take too many, we'll sort them out later," he says with a smile.

I nod and stand where Dean has indicated. The concert starts, the fans are screaming - I'm sure I end every concert night with a massive headache.

After about ten songs, Oh Cecilia begins. Brad's voice echoes throughout the room and I can't stand it. I walk away from the stage and out of the building, not without hearing the first chorus:

Cecilia, you're breaking my heart

You're shaking my confidence daily

Oh, Cecilia, I'm down on my knees

I'm begging you please to come home

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