19 | wake up

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"so wake up, your sleeping heart"

September 29, 2014, Glasgow


It's now been five days since Brad kissed me. We haven't talked about it again and I'm even starting to think he regrets doing it. Maybe he's not ready to commit to a relationship. Maybe I need to wait for him again, I think, echoing the request he made a week ago.

It's Monday and the end of last week went by at breakneck speed. On Thursday, we arrived in New Castle for a concert and stayed in Glasgow all weekend - there was a concert on Saturday night and a second one on Sunday.

I start to wake up, stretch and grab my phone for a quick check on social networks - bad morning habit good morning. I take off the airplane mode and suddenly receive an avalanche of notifications: messages, mentions in stories, missed calls. What's going on?

I panic when I open the message from my mother: "Happy birthday my darling! We can't wait for you to come home. Big kisses sweetie."



I stand up like a jack-in-the-box and hit the ceiling. The ceiling? I've forgotten for a moment that I'm still in one of the bus bunks. I start to complain, rubbing my head. How could I forget my own birthday?

James suddenly opens the bunk curtain.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE SISTER!" he shouts, doing a strange dance - he'll end up invoking the rain, I'm telling you!

"Thanks, but you don't have to shout or dance, you know," I tell him, starting to get a headache.

"It's not every day you turn 19, sis!" he says, forcing me out of bed.

He drags me to the kitchen. When will he realize that I'm not a morning person?

The others are all sitting around the kitchen table. Connor is about to make fun of my splendid Hunger Games pyjamas again, but the evil look I give him dissuades him.

I sit down next to them as they all wish me a happy birthday.

James begins his speech: "My dearest sister," he says solemnly, while I look at him suspiciously. "Today is a very special day and we want to make it memorable. So we're going to be in charge of your day!" (bad idea) "Finish your breakfast, get dressed and let's go!"

"Where?" I ask, yawning.

"It's a surprise, Princess," says Brad, getting up and stepping out of the bus.

Princess? I beg your pardon? I look at the other three, who don't seem the least bit surprised. I guess I must have been dreaming again. I put the nickname out of my mind and do what my brother told me to.

By the way - while I'm thinking about it: did you notice Cecilia's absence? After Joe's call, she decided to change buses. A relief for the guys and me, but Cassie and the whole technical crew weren't thrilled to have her back. I don't know what Joe said to her, but one thing's for sure: she decided to distance herself.

I get out of the bus and join Cassie and the others, who are waiting for me in front of a big black car.

"It's about time!" exclaims James as he opens the cab door for me.

"A princess always makes you wait," laughs Tris, nudging Brad.

Brad just rolls his eyes and climbs into the back of the van.

So the "princess" hasn't gone unnoticed. That means you didn't dream it," whispers the little voice in my head.

The cab drops us off at the entrance to an amusement park. My brother doesn't only have stupid ideas after all!

Our little group spends the morning and early afternoon riding attractions - I even manage to convince James to go on a rollercoaster with me, knowing full well that he hates it.

On the way home, I thank my brother because I've had a really good day.

When I get to the bus, I go upstairs and lay down on one of the sofas before having the biggest nap mankind has ever known.

In the late afternoon, I'm awakened by an overexcited Cassie.

"Wake up, Alex! You've got to get ready!" she says, shaking me by the shoulders.

Surprised by this rude awakening, I sit up and ask her why I need to get ready.

"I've been forbidden to tell you anything," she says, miming closing her mouth with a zipper - she even throws away her imaginary key at the end. "My only mission is to turn you into a princess!"

"Who asked you to do that?"

"Come on, hop hop hop! Get up, don't ask any questions and hurry up and put on a nice dress!" she says, pushing me behind a screen - since when do we have a screen? - where the carmine-red dress I bought last week awaits me.

"Cassie?" I begin, hesitantly, poking my head through to the other side. "Are you sure you want me to wear this dress?"

"Of course I'm sure! It wasn't me who insisted you wear it anyway."

"Is that James again? He's really over the top, it's only a birthday..." I sigh.

"I'm not allowed to say any more, but I'll just tell you that it wasn't your brother who asked you to wear it," she confides, giving me a look that's heavy with innuendo.

"Don't tell me..."

"Come on! Put on the damn dress, princess, you don't want to keep your prince waiting," she exclaims mischievously, before pushing me behind the screen once more.

If you survive this evening, I'll keep my mouth shut for a week, whispers the little voice in my head. Even she knows it's going to be epic.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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