Room On Fire Chapter 7

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I removed a pure white Marlboro from the pack in my purse, placed it between my lips, and grabbed my blue lighter. Flicking the wheel and holding down the gas, I made my way to the window. With my free hand I unlatched the window and lit my cigarette.

The flame danced against the evening breeze that blew through my window, sending a light cloud of smoke in my eyes. I blinked hard against it and inhaled.

As soon as the smoke filled my lungs, my whole body went calm. The nicotine buzzed in my brain and tickled underneath my skin. I exhaled with a gasp and situated myself beneath the window.

Tomorrow I will escape this place. I will escape everyone and everything that has ever hurt me. I'll leave behind my deranged father and most importantly Christofer. I will receive no more urgent, horny phone calls and my stomach will bear no new cuts and scars.

I unbuttoned my pants, pursing my lips around the filter, and tugged them off. After tossing them into the middle of the floor, I propped my cigarette on the windowsill and unhooked my bra, removing it from underneath my shirt.

I let my hands linger on my new cuts, allowing my fingertips to brush against the ragged, bloody lines in my otherwise perfectly white skin. I pushed and prodded at the cuts and scars until I hit one a bit too hard and I let out a soft yelp.

The smoke began to burn my lips as the cherry reached the filter; burning the fiberglass between my lips. I didn't want to stand quite yet so I hastily stubbed out the cigarette on the back of my hand. I sucked in through my teeth as the skin boiled and turned a sickening crimson and black.

'It didn't hurt too badly' I thought to myself, flicking the butt over the sill and out into the gutter. I feel bad for whoever is going to clean out all my ashes and cigarette butts from the gutters, but thankfully I wouldn't be here to find out whom.

I eyed my suitcase underneath my bed, smiling at the thought of cramming it into the back of my sister’s truck and slipping in beside it, ready for adventure. 

Then I wondered where we were going to go? Knowing Abby, it would be somewhere nice and safe and big: a place with a good school and nice people, and a house with a white picket fence. No matter where we decided to go, I knew I would be happier.

I continued saying this to myself as I tucked my lighter back in my purse and crawled into bed. The sheets were warm as I slipped between them, curling up around my favourite pillow and letting my eyes drift to a close. 

'I will have to bring this with me too' I thought to myself as I feel into a silent, well deserved sleep.


   I didn’t want to go home yet, but I knew I would have to face Vanessa eventually. After taking the longest possible route home, I dropped by the 7 Eleven down the street to buy some new packs of smokes and some sweets for her. I still remember her favourite: Hershey Kisses.

   When I finally arrived at home, I saw her sitting on the front steps fully clothed in a pair of tight fitting corduroys, a purple tank top and flip flops. I smiled at her from the driver’s seat, and she gave me a lopsided grin in return.

   “Finally come to your senses, lover boy?” She giggled, as I stepped out of the parked car and walked towards her. She reached for me and my brain screamed no, but my feet said otherwise; I fell into her arms. I don’t know exactly what came over me. I just patched everything up with Abigail, and everything was going to be fine: so why did I feel like I wanted Vanessa?

   I felt her soft lips brush against my ear, and I immediately snapped to my senses. I pulled away form the embrace and made my way up the porch steps.

   “What was that about?” She hissed, placing her hands on her hips and cocking an eyebrow. I just shook my head and slammed the door behind me. The air conditioning was on and I was happy to see that she cleaned up her mess from this morning.

   The front door opened and Vanessa cautiously stepped inside. “Duncan” she whispered, “What is wrong with you?” her light eyes glistening with tears. Why do I always make her cry?

   “Vanessa, I have told you this a million times; I’m not worth anything to you. You don’t love me and I don’t love you. I’m sorry Vanessa, I’m just” I paused and bit my knuckles, “done.”

   Her hands fell from her hips and bumped against her thighs. I watched her silently as she brushed past me into the kitchen and sat down at the wooden table. She reached into the plastic 7-Eleven bag I dropped and pulled out a bag of Hershey’s Kisses. Her dirty blonde hair fell around her face as it slammed against the surface. “You bought me candy.” She mumbled.

  “Yeah,” I replied, pressing my palms against my eyes. I needed sleep.


   I awoke the next morning to my phone alarm with a raging headache and pure adrenaline pulsing through my veins. It was five o’ clock in the morning and time to leave. Quickly, I dragged myself out of bed, pulled on a pair of leather shorts I set out last night and a mesh tank top. My duffel bag was still under my bed, so I grabbed it and swung it over my bony shoulder.

   Eden’s bedroom was dead quiet when I snuck inside, discreetly sliding the suitcase from underneath her bed and setting it upright by the door. Her long, delicate lashes rested on her cheeks as she slept soundly. I settled myself on her bed beside her, stroking her short, ash-white hair.

   “Eden, baby, its time to go” I whispered in her ear, slowly pulling the blankets off of her sleeping form. Her legs were curled up to her chest and her tee shirt was ridden up to her armpits, revealing a flat and bony stomach. I bit my lip, still chapped from the incessant smoking. I worried about her enough behavior wise, but it worries me even more when she refuses to eat. I will have to change that.

   A sweet moan escaped her lips as she reached for the blankets. I held them out of reach, causing her to lazily prop herself up on her elbow and open her eyes. “What?” She murmured, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

   “It’s time to go, Eden.” I whispered, wiping a stray eyelash from her nose. Eden’s legs immediately swung off of the side of her bed and she was up getting ready to go. She also had a pair of shorts resting on her dresser which she hastily pulled on. Her hair was a mess, but she ignored it, as she quickly brushed her teeth and shoved her toothbrush in her back pocket.

   “Let’s go!” She whispered, picking up the suitcase by the handle with both hands so it wouldn’t drag on the floor. I followed with my duffel bag, down the hall, down the stairs and quietly out the front door. Neither of us looked back as I unlocked my truck and threw our bags in the backseat.

   Eden climbed in beside them, and tucked her legs beneath her. I settled into the driver’s seat and started the engine. The morning air was silent as we carefully pulled out of the driveway. Once we were a safe distance from home, I fastened my seatbelt and advised Eden to do the same. When I received no response, I glanced in my rearview mirror to find her asleep in the back seat. Her cheek was pressed up against the window, mouth hanging open, and hands resting in her lap.

   I smiled to myself and continued to drive. 

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