Chapter 2

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Isabella Van Doren

As I pull into the drive of Vanguard Academy nestled in the bustling heart of Manhattan, I find a convenient spot to park my car. With each step I take towards the school grounds, the magnificent structure looms before me, leaving me in awe. The realization that I am privileged to attend this prestigious school without any cost fills me with a profound sense of honor.

I am starting to feel eyes on me, I look around to see a couple of people staring at me in confusion. a girl walks op to me and says "Hi you are new right?"

"Is it that obvious?" I ask with a bit of sarcasm

"Yeah, because its rare to see an new person if you are a junior or senior and everyone  knows each other." she says

"I'm a new scholarship student, Isabella. Nice to meet you." I say

"Nice to meet you, I'm Mia. I am a junior, what year are you in?" Mia ask

"I am a senior, I feel a little anxious because i don't know anyone from this school. would you mind helping me out, where I have to go?" I say

"Sure, I would love to. Can I see your..." her sentence gets cut off by the sudden roar of engines from five different cars. A yellow Lamborghini Huracan Sto, an orange McLaren 720s Coupe, a dark grey Audi R8, a flame red Ferrari F8 Tributo, and finally, the last car to make a grand entrance onto the school grounds is a matte black Bugatti Chiron Super Sport. All eyes are drawn to the spectacle, and I can't help but join in the fascination.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion and ask, "Why is everyone getting excited and going to those cars?"

"Oh, this happens every time when they arrive," she replies in an exciting tone.

As they exit their cars, two beautiful girls and three handsome guys step out, creating a ripple of admiration among the onlookers. A few moments later, the door of the Bugatti opens, revealing a super handsome guy. He's probably one of the most handsome men I've ever seen, with dark hair, a very muscular body, and an imposing height of about 6ft4. Everyone's attention is fixed on him, including mine.

"Who are they?" I ask 

"They are the most popular friend group of the school, they practically rule this school. They are the sons and daughter of the most richest families of New York. All of their families are friends since their parents went to school with each other." she says

She pauses for a moment and i wait for her to continue. 

"The boy getting out of the Audi R8 is Benjamin Westwood, He is the heir to the Westwood empire. there empire is real estate, mostly commercial real estate, they own a loth of malls around US and residential real estate and worth a bit above of hundred billions dollars . He is the funniest guy out of the group and also the most friendly and most approachable guy out of the friend group. 

The boy coming out of the Lamborghini is Nicholas Montgomery, he is the heir of Montgomery Enterprises. His family business operates in the tech industry and is also worth above of hundred billions dollars. He is a big player, he basically flirts with every girl that has a heartbeat. 

The guy on the phone that got out of the McLaren is Aiden Harrington, he is the heir to Harrington medical centers. they have a the biggest chain of hospitals in North America, the have hospitals in every big city in North America and also worth above of hundred billions dollars. Aiden is the genius of the group, the smartest guy in school.

The 2 girls getting out of the Ferrari are Emma Harrington and Aurora Knight. Emma is the blonde girl that got out of the passenger seat, she is the twin sister of Aiden, she is not an heir, but she is a supermodel and social media influencer and has a trust fund of course. The girl getting out of the drivers seat is Aurora Knight also not an heir because her older brother is. She is also a supermodel and social media influencer. She is also the ambassador of the fastest rising fashion company Elysian Attire" she says 

I snap my head to her when she mentions my biggest company and I started blushing for a second. I recover. Now I know why she looked familiar.  "who is the guy getting out of the Bugatti, that's Aurora's brother, isn't it?" I ask

She keeps looking at the popular group not seeing my blush of het compliment when she mentioned my company. "Yes that's right her twin brother, Alexander Knight. He is the heir the biggest company in the world, the Knight Corporation. They control about 1 trillion dollars worth of assets. they are involved in almost every single sector, but their family business is mainly a chain of  financial institutions and banks.  Alexander is the 'leader' of the group. he has a very intimidating, dark aura, every one stays out of his way, since his breakup with his ex girlfriend. The rumors are that she cheated on him. She also left the school since then." she says looking very intimidated at him

Everyone starts to walk in school as the elite group, walks in to building. "So can you help me with my class, where i need to go? I don't want to walk in the wrong classroom." I say

"Yeah, I almost forgot can i see your schedule?" she ask chuckling at my comment  

I nod and give her my schedule. she looks at my schedule and says "So you have Chemistry in 301. Just go up the stairs to the third floor and turn left and it is the last classroom of the hall." she says with a smile 

"Thanks a million, Mia. I appreciate your help." I say

"No problem at all, Isabella. If you need anything else or want someone to sit with me  at lunch, here is my number if you need help" she says and gives me her number 

"Will do. Thanks again!" I say 

we part ways as I start walking to the stairs and the bell rings. Oh fuck! I am late to my first class, good impression Bells. I walking faster. When I reach the door of my classroom. I knock three times and I open the door. I walk in the class everyone's gaze lands on me and start staring at me. The teacher ask with a little anger in his tone "Who are you and what are you late for my class?"

"I am so sorry sir, I am Isabelle Van Doren and I am the new scholarship student." I say 

"Oh that's alright Ms. Van Doren I am Mr. Raymond, I am your Chemistry teacher. Be on time next time please. You can go sit next to Aurora. Ms. Knight can you please raise you hand?" Mr. Raymond says

Looking back at the class, I see Aurora raising her hand. She sits at the back with Nicholas and Aiden. As I walk to my seat, all the girls in the class give me jealous looks. I reach my seat, smile at Aurora, and say, "Hey, I'm Isabella. Nice to meet you."

Aurora wastes no time in breaking the ice. "Hey there! I'm Aurora," she exclaims, extending her hand. I reciprocate the gesture, relieved by her warm welcome despite my initial concerns about potential standoffishness due to my scholarship.

Aiden redirects his attention to me. "I couldn't help but overhear that you're on a scholarship. Impressive. What kind of scholarship do you have?" His eyes glisten with intellectual curiosity.

"An academic one," I reply.

"Another genius just like you, Aiden. Isabella, that's impressive. Good job, Aurora," Aiden praises with a broad smile.

Nicholas, seemingly intrigued, joins the conversation. "Hey there, Isabella. You're not just a pretty face; you have brains too. Care to join me for lunch later, beautiful?" He grins, laying on the charm thick.

I respond with raised eyebrows and a hint of sass, "I appreciate the offer, but I'm here for an education, not a date. Maybe focus on your studies instead of trying to impress me." I reject him outright, uninterested in his reputation as the school's biggest flirt.

Aiden stifles a laugh, and Aurora giggles at my swift and witty response. Nicholas, taken aback, attempts to recover gracefully, but my rejection leaves a noticeable mark.

"Damn, you never get rejected. Hope your ego can take that," Aiden remarks with a smirk.

Throughout the next two classes, Aurora and I continue chatting, forming a budding friendship. We discuss our shared interests, particularly in fashion and other topics. Meanwhile, I continue to playfully bug Nicholas, maintaining a lighthearted atmosphere in the midst of the academic setting.

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