Chapter 6

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Isabella Van Doren

As we lounged by the pool, the sun casting a warm glow on everything around us, Alexander suddenly stood up and announced, "I'm going to grab us a refill, Isabella, can you help me with the glasses?"

"Sure, no problem," I replied, setting aside my conversation with the others. We made our way to the kitchen, the distant hum of music still in the background.

As we reached for the glasses, Alexander turned towards me, a casual smile playing on his lips. "Mind if I ask you something?" he inquired, his tone light but with a hint of curiosity.

"Sure, go ahead," I responded, curious about what he had on his mind.

"Are you currently single?" he asked, his demeanor easygoing, though the question caught me a bit off guard.

I met his gaze, a playful grin forming on my lips. "Yes, I am. Why do you want to know?" I questioned, a teasing tone in my voice.

Alexander's confidence shone through as he looked at me. "Well, that's good to hear. How about letting me take you out on a date?" he proposed, a charming smile on his face.

I couldn't help but appreciate his direct approach. "Absolutely," I replied, our eyes locked in a playful exchange.

"Are you free Sunday night?" he asked, and my excitement grew at the prospect of what might unfold.

I considered his proposal for a moment, intrigued by the unexpected turn of events. "Sunday night works for me," I said with a smile, appreciating the spontaneity of the invitation.

Alexander's grin widened, "I will pick you up at 6pm at your house. Can you send me your address?" he ask

Unable to contain my curiosity, I flashed my best puppy eyes at him. "Can't you give me a hint about what we're going to do?" I inquired, hoping to unravel the mystery behind our impending adventure.

Alexander chuckled at my attempt to extract information. "Nice try with the puppy eyes, but I'm afraid the details are classified until Sunday," he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Just be ready for a good time. It's a surprise, and I promise you won't be disappointed."

I pouted playfully, pretending to be disappointed. "Fine, keep your secrets. But you better make it worth the suspense!" I said with a mock stern expression.

"Trust me, it will be," he assured, still grinning. "Now, about that address..."

I rolled my eyes, realizing he wasn't going to give in. "Alright, fine. I'll text you the address. But you owe me a big hint on Sunday!"

"Deal," he said, extending his hand for a playful handshake. With that, the plans were set, and the anticipation for Sunday began to build.

"Are we going to tell the others?" I ask 

He looked at me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Nah, let's keep it a surprise. It'll be more fun that way."

I chuckled, agreeing with the idea. "Alright, secret mission it is then. We'll have to act casual until Sunday."

He nodded, still wearing a sly smile. "Absolutely. The less they know, the better the surprise."

"Before we go back with the drinks, what do I have to wear?" I ask

Alexander leaned in, his tone conspiratorial. "Well, it's a bit of a mix – not too casual, not too fancy. I'd say go for that stylish yet relaxed look. You know, something that says, 'I'm ready for whatever awesome surprise you've got planned,' without giving away too much."

I raised an eyebrow. "So, dress with a hint of mystery?"

"Exactly," he said, pleased with the description. "And, oh, don't forget comfortable shoes. We might be on our feet for a bit."

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