Chapter 7

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Isabella Van Doren

I groggily opened my eyes, the soft light of morning filtering through the curtains. As I stretched on the couch, I couldn't help but notice how incredibly comfortable my pillow felt beneath my head. It was like laying on a cloud, and for a moment, I couldn't help but appreciate the magical fluffiness of it all. The cozy warmth of my pillow beneath my head made me sigh contentedly. However, something felt off.

"Wow, I must have found the perfect pillow," I mused, still half-asleep, as I snuggled deeper into it.

My pillow vibrated and chuckled. Wait a minute, last time I checked, pillows don't make noises. As I fully regained my senses, I looked up to find that my pillow wasn't a pillow at all, but rather the chest of none other than Alexander, who was sprawled out next to me on the couch. His eyes met mine with a mischievous twinkle, and a grin tugged at the corners of his lips.

"Well, good morning, Sleeping Beauty," he teased, his voice low and playful.

I couldn't help but blush, realizing that I had made myself a little too comfortable on top of him. "Oh, uh, sorry about that," I stammered, trying to untangle myself from the cozy position I had unwittingly created.

Alexander chuckled, shifting to sit up beside me. "No need to apologize. I make an excellent pillow, if I do say so myself."

I rolled my eyes, playfully nudging him. "You're not wrong, I guess." 

Alexander grinned, his tousled hair adding to the overall charm of his morning appearance. "Glad you think so. I was beginning to worry I'd lost my touch as a human pillow."

I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. "Well, you're certainly better than any pillow I've ever had."

He raised an eyebrow, feigning offense. "Just 'better'? I demand a recount!"

I playfully pushed him, and we both ended up in a fit of laughter. 

"Oh shit I need to call my mom, she thought I was going home last night." I say

I pick up the phone and dialed my moms number. I rings three times before she picks up. 

"Hello?" my mom's voice came through the phone, sounding a bit groggy.

"Hey, Mom," I greeted, glancing over at Alexander, who was watching me with an amused expression.

"Isabella, sweetheart, where are you? I thought you were coming home last night," she replied, concern lacing her voice.

"Yeah, about that... I fell asleep when we were watching a movie. I'm really sorry; I should have thought about it."

There was a pause on the other end of the line, and then my mom sighed. "Well, just let me know if you're okay. I was worried when I woke up and didn't find you here."

"I'm fine, Mom," I reassured her.

"Alright, just be more mindful next time, okay?" she advised.

"I will, promise. I'll be home later today," I promised before saying my goodbyes.

"Alright now that's done, I am hungry" i blurted out

Alexander grinned, his eyes lighting up with mischief. "Well then, Sleeping Beauty, how about we go grab some breakfast?" I nod.

We walk into the kitchen and I see Aurora and their parents Elijah and Grace. and I say "Good morning, is the rest already gone?"

Aurora grins "yes sleepy, the others left last night."

I chuckled at Aurora's comment, realizing that I had missed the departure of the others. "Well, looks like I missed the grand exit. Sorry about that."

Elijah, Alexander's father, chuckled as well. "No worries, Isabella. You two seem to be enjoying your morning. Late nights and sleepy mornings, I remember those well."

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