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(Y/n): Your name

The room was singing. The holographic lights danced across the walls and the red tendrils waved in thin spirals like kelp underwater. As (Y/n) drifted through the loudly humming room, they looked to the walls as the bizarre lights shifted constantly around them. They were hypnotized by the mesmerizing sound and the spinning rings and symbols. They've never seen anything like it, but they have tuned in to stories about this from travelers that made it out of these places alive. It's always a little different for each person, whether it was coming from the source, or a chain of I-heard and they-said-that rumors. It's different to learn the true stories when they only listen from a distance. They looked up, and reached their hands up to grasp onto the poles on the ceiling. They've gotten used to the lack of gravity, but are still trying to navigate it properly. It's difficult. (Y/n) sighs, thinking to themself. At least I can add travel through a zero-gravity environment as a skill.

(Y/n) angled themself parallel to the ceiling, then let go and kicked off to get to one of the poles sticking out of that strange standalone cube structure in the center of this complex on the top. Or bottom. They can't really tell if they're going up or down anymore. They glide through the air effortlessly, feeling nothing but the light drag of air across their skin/scales/plating. They felt apprehension, yet a rather invigorating sense of exhilaration as they felt they'd be at the end of their journey soon. To the top of the structure, where no one who isn't crazy or insanely skilled would travel. To wade through threat and rain and things unseen anywhere but the world inside the colossus is a sentence to at least a hundred deaths to the average traveler. This is a challenge they wanted to take on, just to see if they could do it, but they unfortunately don't have anyone to share the experience with. They're fine with that, so long as they have their own story.

(Y/n) reaches out and grasps another pole, then lightly pushes themself from one to another, until they hovered directly above an access pipe. The humming was deafening, yet so strangely alluring. The way this place severely enticed (Y/n) to continue going was fascinating, even without the thought of glory to stand on top of the sky itself. They took a deep breath in silence, their heart pounding in their chest (unless your character doesn't have one, in which case I have no idea, but I'm curious what character you imagine) as they began to climb down into the access pipe. They weren't sure where it would lead, but a room like this must be important if it's so well contained.

As they slipped into the pipe, they found themself falling suddenly. It wasn't a slow fall, it was violently fast as the gravity had turned on again. Normally they'd hang by the entrance pipe for a bit longer to peer into the room, but they stopped doing that after a few rooms once they realized this place had no patrolling threats. A few rumors they eavesdropped on suggested no threat, at least most of the time. They fell into the blindingly bright room, and crashed onto the floor with a startled yelp. (Y/n) scrambled to their feet in a manner of two seconds, looking up and around the room. The chamber was filled with pearls, all varying colors of green, gray and purple, that had suddenly crashed down around the floor, as well as a metal crane that came soaring around the room to adjust its own weight with wires attached to what almost looked like mechanical vertebrates. (Y/n)'s eyes traveled across the sight of the crane until their gaze landed on a peculiar being. It was a bipedal being stuck to the end of the crane and wires, well dressed in amethyst robes with neon green stripes at the hems of the skirt and sleeves and a bright violet scarf. The details of their face were odd too; they had pitch black eyes with silvery iris rings inside that glowed like halos, a pair of silver headphone-like pieces on the side of their almost perfectly round head, and an X'd out diamond sigil at the crown of their head in neon green pigment over their spearmint colored skin. They froze in place at the sight of this being floating in the room. They were scared, since there were only two access pipes in the room, and they're both on the ceiling, surrounded by flat walls with no pipes or poles. They can't escape.

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