Chapter 1 - Silent City Outskirts

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(Helloooo welcoooome!)

(Art is from the game. I apologize if the quality is off, I couldn't find a better version of the image)


The hatch above opened with a rumble and lightly rusted metal scraping against more metal. (Y/n) slowly woke up, unalarmed by the opening of the shelter door. There was barely a reason to stay in the shelter, but over the past few weeks, they just felt safer within the confines of the small space. They prefer to have their privacy, and shelters are rather comforting to them. They sat up and stretched as they heard the locks unlatch and the walls of the exit connected to keep them from the dangerous mechanical workings. They let out a brief little squeak, feeling their tense shoulders and arms stretch almost painfully. As they don't have a lot of danger in this desolate area of the structure to keep them running around, they began to train themself in combat and exercise to maintain their level of skill and hopefully improve.

They stood up, then slipped through the pipe and left. They stretched their legs briefly, then walked away to begin training. They plan to just go on a jog to the city and back, and maybe some rock throwing with targets. They want to work in some accuracy training. They began to climb through some networks of pipes until they were on the surface of the structure. They took a few moments, sitting in the warm sun to wake them up. It was a pleasant start to the day. They turned to the city, before walking and eventually breaking into a jog.

<> <> <>

(Y/n) came to the edge of the city, and tapped a wall to indicate the end of their run like a marker. They took deep, panting breaths as they leaned over with their hands on their knees. They took their time taking a breather, before they started to look around. It was desolate at the edge, but the tall buildings were intimidating. The quiet traveler wondered if there was any food in the city, but then again of course there would be if there really are civilians here, considering they must run off of some kind of food source. There is food around the edges, but they almost never see anyone on the planes. They looked up at the city, thinking about going back to gather food, but they were interrupted by their growling stomach. They patted it briefly and sighed. It wouldn't hurt to look around for food here, right? They thought to themself.

Taking another few moments to catch their breath, (Y/n) began to walk along the edge of the vast city in search of an entrance. As they found a small opening into the city, they took a deep breath before they walked through the alley. Sidestepping and carefully looking around, they weaved through various alleys and side streets until they were out in the open. They looked up at all the towering buildings surrounding them, echoing distant sounds just to fade to silence seconds later. The sounds were too far away for them to worry about running into someone. They began to walk.

The traveler wandered through the empty streets, feeling mildly uneasy from the distant noise. They rarely see lizards up here, but they do see a few scavengers or even slugcats up here from time to time. They do their best to avoid them, but they're worried about being spotted. It's difficult dealing with people. They felt a sense of dread at the thought.

(Y/n) walked through the empty streets, before they spotted blue fruit in what looked like an overhanging roof in front of a building entrance, pillars with vines snaking around them holding it up strongly. They looked up, feeling their stomach growl again. They sighed. Okay... let's do this. They thought, grabbing a spear nearby before they began to climb up the vines, going to the top of the pillar. They reach out the dull spear, trying to poke the fruit off their strange vines. One, then two, then- uh... that's not fruit. They felt where the fruit was supposed to be for a moment, but all their spear touched was solid air. They retracted quickly with a startled gasp as a long tongue lashed out seemingly from mid-air, the scene warping suddenly right before (Y/n)'s eye(s). They evade the tongue in just the nick of time, but unfortunately they dodged and leaned too far from the vine and fell a short way. They wince and cry out as they slam against the pillar, looking up to see their ankle snagged in the spindly canopy and a hungry looking white lizard beginning to form from the warped air. "Fuck!" They yelp, trying to unstick themself from the pillar. The lizard began to climb down toward them, a low bellow welling in its throat.

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