Chapter 4 - Nervous, but Joyfully Fresh Eyes

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(Artist: @Torkdrift on Twitter)

(If any artists wish for their art to be taken out of this fanfiction, please contact me and I'll remove the art. Thanks!)


It's a quieter day in the chamber. Hunter was off roaming the city, No Significant Harassment was messing with something on his screens, and (Y/n) is drifting around the chamber, resting their eyes. They were rather bored. As they were thinking about something to do, they heard something open. Cracking an eye open, they saw NSH drifting toward the wall to pick something up. "Oh (Yyyyyy/n)~ I have a gift for youuuu~" He turned to them, holding something behind their back. They opened their eyes fully and turned to him. "Hm?" He seemed to be smiling a little, as the edges of his eyes crinkled ever so slightly. "Soooo I know you like to wander, and since you're here for another few weeks, I wanted to give you something that could maybe help satisfy the itch to explore, even from here." He reached his hands forward, presenting a strange small box with straps on it and a set of little wires attached to the wall from the back. "You put it on your head with the device over your eyes." He pointed out, as they began to attach it, though they struggled slightly. He chuckled lightly and reached in to help. "Here, you put this strap on top, and these go just above that-" He adjusted the straps for them, his and grazing over the sides of their head. He was incredibly gentle as he pulled them slightly tighter to fit. "You can adjust those however you want." NSH said, as he let the straps go, though as a slight tease, he drew his fingertips over their jawline as he pulled them away. They flinched slightly, a little more nervous than before.

No Significant Harassment chuckled lightly, then reached up to grasp their hands. "This might be a bit disorienting, but you'll get the hang of it. Just reach up here and click this button." He pulled one of their hands up to press the button on the side of their headset. "O-okay. What's the button beneath it...?" They asked, feeling around. "That just changes brightness. There's another just below that does volume too." He explained as they felt around.

They pressed the button, as a little screen of dim light appeared before their eyes. (Y/n) jumped, looking around as they focused in. A simple eye symbol appeared before them, before it blinked closed and vanished into something else. There was something that looked like an array of numbers and letters, along with a next and previous button per each page of what seemed to be 12 panels. "Sig, I-I see things, they're all labeled buttons I think..." "Mhm, those are my overseers, they're each labeled with a number and letter. Go on, press one, you'll love this!" He said, giddy. They reached forward, though before their now virtual hands could touch anything, they bumped into something they couldn't see. Their hands started roaming over it to figure out what it was, only to suddenly realize the soft fabric under their hands belonged to none other than their spearmint companion. "I-I'll get out of your way." His disembodied voice said as he drifted away, the mass they were touching leaving their hands. "S-sorry, I didn't um..." They trailed off, clearing their throat. "It's all good, I just forgot to move out of the way. Anyways, try again, pick whichever one you want. There's also multiple pages."

(Y/n) nodded, reaching up to press something, but hesitated. There are so many options. After a brief decision, they decided to pick the first one, which was labeled 1-7. The screens faded away to black, and soon they were replaced with light. They were... back on the ground. They recognized it soon as they swiveled around a little, the skies and canopy coming into view along with the dilapidated buildings and machinery. They turned, and before them, somewhere off in the distance, they saw him, or rather his structure. They remembered seeing this place nearly two months ago when they journeyed around. They looked up, amazed that it felt as if they were truly there. "What do you think?" NSH asked quietly, eager to know. "It's... incredible." They said, looking around. "Thank you for showing me this." He giggled, orbiting around them to make sure he wasn't in the way. "No problem, hun, it's all yours for as long as you're in here." He said, giving them a pat on the shoulder, only for them to flinch. It wasn't much out of fear at this point, more that they didn't expect it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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