Chapter 2 - ''Doctor's'' Visit

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(It's finally here, sorry for the wait)

Artist: @splynter on Tumblr

(If any artists wish for their art to be taken out of this fanfiction, please contact me and I'll remove the art. Thanks!)


The night sky, though dim, shone overhead brilliantly with its dazzling stars and its waning crescent moon. Hunter helped (Y/n) out of the fields, all the way out to the entrance so they could find out what kind of injury they have. It was painful, but manageable in some sense. He helped them into the ditch and through the doors. (Y/n) looked around, enjoying the stars for a few more moments before they had to go inside.

As they went inside, he descended first with them sliding down the poles after. It became easier to move as their weight slowly began to dissipate within the zero-gravity environment. It was nice to not have to limp, but now they have to be careful not to crash into anything, and to use their hands to navigate instead of kicking off. They were a bit more used to it, but it has been a few weeks since they tried it out. The pair glided down the hallway toward the entrance of the chamber, but Hunter didn't go in yet. Instead he turned up to look at (Y/n). "Dad mentioned you were very quiet around him. Do you need me to back you up, or are you okay talking on your own?" He asked. The quiet traveler was surprised by his offer, but didn't try to protest. "Um... I might need backup... W-what would I need to say?" They asked, preparing to enter the chamber. He hummed. "Start with your symptoms. Swelling, bruising, stuff like that. He's gonna wanna see it, so don't be afraid if he suddenly grabs you or something." He explained. "You think you can handle it?" The traveler felt nervous, but mildly reassured to know what to expect. They nodded at the cherry slugcat.

Hunter nodded in return, then slipped in. They took a breath, hesitating a few seconds plunging into the room. They hung on to the pipe, ready for the sudden return of gravity this time. They looked down to see the familiar mint green being holding Hunter, before carefully setting him down on the ground. The being spoke to him briefly, then suddenly turned his gaze up to them. He rose on his bone-like metal crane, holding out his arms to them. "Hey hey heeeeey! Hunt mentioned you'd be here too, what can I do for you?" He said, reaching out to grasp them, only for (Y/n) to flinch back and curl their legs in fear. They nearly forgot just how much he scared them. They also forgot for a moment that he'd probably try to grab them, as they sort of acted on instinct. "I... I-I have p-pain, swel-swelling and bruises o-on my ankle... Hunter s-said you could... help?" They stammered quietly, hoping he'd catch it. He tilted his head, then his black and white eyes pushed up at the bottom parts of his cheeks, as if he was smiling. "'Course! Let's get you down from there, I'll deal with Hunter real quick, then we'll get you sorted." NSH said, grabbing them and holding them carefully like a bride. (Y/n) squeaked, quickly grabbing him in fear of him letting go, despite him giving no indication of dropping them. He lowered them to the ground, then set them down in a comfortable seated position on the floor. They let out a breath of relief, letting him go just as he did. "Just one sec, lovie." He winked teasingly, before heading for Hunter.

The quiet traveler watched as they walked to the other side of the room, a few panels opening up to reveal some bizarre technology they'd never seen before. Hunter climbed up onto a padded table, laying flat on his front as No Significant Harassment began to examine. They'd done this before, that much was apparent. After a few things had been shuffled and some holograms were pulled up, the being gave his son a gentle pat, then walked away as the panels closed. (Y/n) felt tense at the sight. "W-what are you doing to him?" They asked, curling up. He hummed. "Ah right, that probably looked sinister or something, huh? Don't worry, he's completely safe." NSH said, drifting toward them. "I won't go into detail about his condition without his permission, but he has something dangerous inside him I'm trying to get rid of. I'm trying to study it and learn how to get rid of it completely, but so far I'm just stuck trying different treatments. It may look scary from out here, but I can promise he doesn't feel a thing. Hunter always walks out feeling a little better than before and I can promise the same thing for you too, doll." (Y/n) didn't respond, they just listened to him. They felt a bit more at ease, knowing he might be okay in that room, and that they might also be alright if he's that confident. "Let's begin. I'm gonna do a quick full scan of you, so please be still so it can be accurate, then I'll help fix whatever you got going on. Just relax and lay back, and I'll be done as soon as possible." He said, gently setting his hands on their shoulders. (Y/n) was okay for all but a moment, but for some reason their heart began to beat faster. They laid back, their breath hitching and their mind beginning to race. Being prone and open to attack like this terrified them, and it didn't help that they weren't used to being around him.

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