Mysterious Song (S1)

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- The next day, 10:30 pm -

You've been awake since 10:30 am, and to no one's surprise, Scott was still sleeping. "Well, let's get some coffee," you said, shrugging and doing your morning stretches before leaving the Virtual World.

Back in Wallace's place, you were just in time to see the guy who primarily lived there looking at you. "Mornin' Wyenn." He said to you, putting on his coat to leave.

"Morn' Wallace." You yawned, rubbing your eyes and cracking your neck. "Going somewhere? You look snazzy."

"Heh, when don't I? Anyway, I'm gonna need a favor from you." Wallace said, making it to the kitchen and pouring a cup of coffee for himself and you, just the way you liked it. "I'm gonna go tag along with Scott when he goes pick up his 'girlfriend'. Watch over them for me when I go, 'kay?"

"Sure, whatevs." You obliged, taking a sip of the cup of that precious caffeine that kept you going in the morning. "I'll keep an eye on them, don't worry."

- That same day, 12:30 pm -

The phone rang, you picked up, blah, blah, blah, went like this, "Mmm yellooo? Talk to me." You spoke into the phone, and on the other line, was...

- Stacey Pilgrim, 19 years old, younger sister, rating: T for teen -

"Oh, hey Y/N. Is Scott there? Don't lie, I know he's still asleep, so go ahead and wake him up for me." Stacey just laid things out, straightforward and without stalling. No surprises there.

So, you just used neon and gave Scott a good ol' sting with a non-lethal shot. "Ah!" He screamed as he rubbed his neck.

"Sorry dude, but ya sis is on the phone, she sounds mad." You said, just handing the phone to Scott, though you more so pushed it toward him, since you had a feeling he'd run if you didn't.

"What's this I hear about you dating a sixteen year old?!" Stacey questioned loudly over the phone, and you could feel just how screwed Scott was.

Scott immediately shot up from the bed and corrected, "Sh-she's seventeen, and how do you know?!"

"Wallace told me." Stacey answered, and yeah, you figured that was the case a mile away.

"That gossipy bitch!" Scott complained, this just got better by the second, you thought as you took a sip of your coffee.

Things are getting interesting, you thought. You were no "gossipy bitch", as far as you knew. But you found something entertaining about this whole ordeal. It's like Stacey was telling Scott what you had said to him yesterday, but less subtle.

Anyway, the narrator was getting tired of writing the actions and tones of each character after everything they said, so here you have the rest of the convo between sis and bro:

"Yeah, I called last night, but you were in band practice or something. Anyway, scandal!"


"Don't you whatever me! Who is this mysterious child?!"

"Her name is Knives."

"Knives what?"


"She's Chinese? Wait until mom hears about this!"

"Mom's in Europe, I ain't scared!"

"A seventeen-year-old Chinese high school girl. You're ridiculous, Scott."

"It's a Catholic school, too..."

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