It Has Begun (S1 - End)

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- Later on, at the subway -

"Why are you here, again?" Scott asked as he looked at you, behind his seat.

"Again, we live in the same apartment. That, and don't forget we still have some things to talk about. But that can wait for later." You said, crossing your arms and glaring. "Enjoy the peace while it lasts, 'cause you'll be getting an earful."

Scott gulped, distracting himself by clearing his throat and turning to Ramona. "So... Do you wanna... sorta... go out with me?"

"Yeah, okay." Ramona replied, with just a hint of hesitation, not that Scott would notice.

"Do you wanna make out?" Scott asked, and it almost annoyed you how forward he was being.

"Sure." Ramona replied, and you got even more frustrated at how casual this all was.

And yeah, much to your misery, they did exactly that. Kissing sounds and everything. You swore you also saw floating red hearts. You were not going to get used to how lightly they were taking all this. Maybe.

"So, that one guy... Matthew Mattel or whatever. I guess he used to be your boyfriend, eh? Or rather... one of the seven." Scott asked, and Ramona nodded.

"You have to fight my seven evil exes. Um, if you want to, date me." Ramona replied, eyes looking dead serious.

"You dated seven evil dudes?" Scott asked.

Not that you cared about what made them 'evil', they were all probably dicks, anyway. You already took one out, and if the next was going to be worse than the first, you were ready to deal with that too.

"Not all at once!" Ramona continued, shaking her head.

"So, okay... I have to fight-" Scott started.

"Defeat." Ramona interrupted.

"...Defeat your seven evil ex-boyfriends if I want to keep dating you?" Scott finished, recompiling everything he just heard.

"Yeah, well, I guess? Pretty much." Ramona nodded, shrugging.

"And they'd come one at a time?" Scott asked, receiving another nod.

"Not all at once. I dunno about one at a time." Ramona replied, shrugging once again.

"Huh. Well, I guess I'm okay with that." Scott replied, he and Ramona sharing a little smooch,

"Cool." Ramona smiled.

"So, uh... this guy Gideon... is he... uh... is he one of them?" Scott asked, and Ramona seemed pretty tense.

Her stare went blank and turned away from Scott, which immediately fired synapsis that this Gideon figure was definitely in the group. You didn't say anything, though. This was Scott's problem, it was his job to figure it out. If he doesn't, then bravo, you get to clean up his mess.

"Um. Your, uh... head... Um, are you okay?" Scott asked, noticing Ramona's weird reaction.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Ramona's head snapped back to look at him. Her reply was instant, her smile afterwards was definitely suspicious, no doubt about it.

"...Do you still want to go out with me?" Scott questioned.

"Yes." Ramona answered instantly this time, and the way she said it didn't sit right with you. Not a lot about her did.

Scott seemed to be at an unease, as he looked toward the window to his left, at his own reflection. On the other hand, you looked toward your own reflection on the window to your right.

You stared yourself in the eyes. Or more so, at the sunglasses that hid your eyes. You knew there were going to be a lot of problems along the way, something was going to go horribly wrong, sooner or later. But you'd deal with it. You'd make it through, you always did. One way or another.

"Hey, Y/N." Ramona called out to you, snapping you from your thoughts.

"What?" You asked, looking back at her.

"Uh... nothing, nevermind." Ramona retracted what she was gonna say as she looked back forward.

You simply rolled your eyes as you returned to look at the window. You were now involved in this little drama that was going on between Ramona and Scott. And you know for a fact Scott didn't break up with Knives like you advised him to.

This was going to get a lot more complicated, wasn't it? Oh, but you wanted to go to Canada because you were bored, look where you are now.

"What did I do to deserve getting caught in this?" You wondered, letting out a heavy sigh. "Worst part is, whatever situation this whole 7 Evil Exes brings... that theater kid was just the start. Things are gonna get worse from here. This whole thing?"

"It has begun."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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