"When she loved me" (Kyoka Jiro x Y/N) (Short!)

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"When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful"

The sad truth is, people can change. I learned this the hard way. You changed, I didn't, and we fell out of love. 

"Every hour we spent together, lives within my heart"

I'll never forget how happy you made me. I could be myself around you, and you never once told me I wasn't good enough. My eyes shone brighter around you, I was the happiest I'd ever been. I'm just, disappointed that it didn't work out. 

"And when she was sad, I was there to dry her tears" 

On all those nights where you didn't feel pretty enough, I made sure to treat you like the queen you are. I wouldn't stop for anything, you deserved to know I loved you.

"And when she was happy, so was I"

We would dance to slow music, love songs, or maybe even heavy metal. Then we'd make popcorn, and cuddle for a movie night. Those were good times..

"When she loved me"

I wish you never changed, maybe then I wouldn't be stuck on my bed, on the verge of tears. 

"Through the summer and the fall, We had each other, that was all"

The picnic blanket we used to eat our lunch on is folded into a box under my bed, I'm tempted to get it out and maybe go for a walk to the park with it.

"Just she and I together, Like it was meant to be"

The sunset was prettier with you, nowadays it looks so bland. I used to like watching the sun go down, not anymore. It's boring now. 

"And when she was lonely, I was there to comfort her, and I knew that she loved me"

I know you're with someone else now, hopefully they know how to make you feel better. I always knew the secret, chocolate chip cookies and a horror movie. You know, chocolate chip cookies don't sound half bad right now. 

"So the years went by, I stayed the same"

The only thing that changed about me was my hair color, otherwise I was still the same person I always was, but only with you.

"But she began to drift away, I was left alone"

I wasn't your go to for comfort anymore, you always made plans with others, and when we did have plans you always had to cancel.

"Still, I waited for the day, When she'd say, 'I will always love you'"

It never came. The last "I love you" I got from you was on Valentine's Day a year ago, through a text.

"Lonely and forgotten, Never thought she'd look my way"

On the third of december, you came to me for the first time in months. 

"And she smiled at me and held me, Just like she used to do"

You were never the type to hug, I knew something that day. It was the end.

"Like she loved me, When she loved me"

I miss our late night talks, our jam sessions at 1:00AM, creating playlists for one another, horror movie marathons, skipping out on plans with friends to cuddle, I miss it all.

"When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful"

I swore to myself I wouldn't cry, but here I am. Two in the morning and I'm sobbing my eyes out.

"Every hour we spent together, Lives within my heart"

I don't know why you changed. I'm just hoping that maybe you're happier now. I'm sorry I couldn't give you what you needed Kyoka, and I hope you're doing okay. 

"When she loved me"


A/N- I wanted to get something out today, so have this! Song credits- When she loved me, Sarah McLachlan

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