Chapter 18 'Thrills'

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Admiring the view, my gaze roamed around the moonlit room

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Admiring the view, my gaze roamed around the moonlit room. It feels tropical. Everything here seems to be handmade, woven, from the wooden Furnitures to the display on the walls.

My heart literally stopped when my eyes landed on the woven chair at the corner of the room.

"You gave me a heart attack, Cain." Frenzied, I said in a small voice.

He didn't utter a word in response.

He was seated there, manspreading. His face shrouded by darkness. I waited for him to respond, as i conditioned my eyes to peer through the darkness.

Unexpectedly, he jumped right up from the chair, and dashed towards me, startling me.

Just in time, I saw his face. No, it cannot be.

It was not Cain. It's not Cain. It's him. I hurriedly scrambled up to the bed, only stopping when my back crashed into the headboard.

A scream erupts from my throat. "Cain, Cain... Cain..."

I exit the jet with my sleepy beauty, cuddled against my chest, wrapped in a cotton quilt

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I exit the jet with my sleepy beauty, cuddled against my chest, wrapped in a cotton quilt. As I tightened my arms around her, she nudged in more.

There were two separate cars waiting for us on the runaway.

Mathew walks ahead of me, opening the car door for Everlee. I carefully tuck her inside, putting on a seat belt and then covering her with the same quilt, closing the door after.

Just a slight nod at Mathew and he knows what exactly needs to be done.

He'll have my sweet girl, properly sent and settled in her private suite to sleep off her jetlag while I have business to take care of. My lips tug at the corners at the prospect of what's waiting for me.

I got in the other car. The driver takes me to the part of the island that's off limits to tourists and everyone in general and is my very own brand of thrill. Well, if someday, my little one willingly likes to look around, of course I'm not going to stop her.

It doesn't take much time to reach the deserted place, well, at least that is what it's meant to look like from inside and outside the walls stretching around it.

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