Chapter Five

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A/N - Hey, it's Isla!! I haven't written on here since September, sorry! I haven't had any motivation and when I did I was editing this chapter and trying to write more on the next chapter. Hope you enjoy this chapter! (By the way, the picture is roughly what the hairclip looks like)


I place my plate down on the dish rack after washing the grease off of it. I turn around walk into the dining hall and squeeze my way through the hundreds of kids running around. Once I finally leave the hall, I walk into the washroom and wash my face. The cold water running onto my face makes my ears prick up. I dry my face with my dress and walk around into my room.


My hair is done up in a half-up half-down, and I place the St Chatbiens hair clip in the back. Some people don't wear the hair clip or pin, and I don't know why. It's very pretty.

I'm dressed in a white long-sleeve button-up blouse, paired with the boarding house sweater. I have my comfy black pants on; on Fridays, we're allowed to dress casually, so Fridays are everyone's favourite day. I have about half an hour to be at my first class, so I walk around the school and find myself in the library.

As soon as I open the door I'm greeted by a stout woman with silver hair and thin glasses.

"Good morning Miss Miscoff. Some new books got shipped in last night, they should be over in the corner." She speaks while flipping a page in her book. Miscoff? I raise an eyebrow and fiddle with the sleeve of my sweater.

"Um, sorry- I'm not... Miscoff?" I speak quietly. She looks up from her desk and squints her eyes at me.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry dear. May I ask for your name?" She says while leaning over the desk. Her smile makes me think she has a very kind heart.

"I'm Nadine Wilson," I say looking at the piles of books around her desk. This woman must love reading!

"Well, that is a beautiful name, Miss Wilson! The name rings a bell... which kingdom are you from?"

"Um... Torland Wilds. I'm the Prince's cousin."

"Oh, I think I've read about that one... beautiful gardens and forests. I have a few books around the library about it," She pauses. "The senior student textbooks are just over there on your right, Miss Wilson." She says while turning back to her book.

"Thank you, Miss..."

"Mrs Curtis. Now go and read, the books are much more interesting than any boring conversation!" She laughs. I laugh softly and move to my left to the place I was last night. My hands run along the spines of all the books about Stalchester Palace, looking for the familiar name I read last night.

I search through the entire shelve, even the one below it and above it. But there's a space in where the book should be placed. I guess someone borrowed it. I shrug my shoulders and look around for Torland Wilds. I don't know very much about it- when I asked my mother about it she just got upset with me. The only thing I know about it is that around 500 years ago, my oldest known ancestor Eleanor Torland created the Torland Wilds or something like that. But then a couple of years later she was found dead in the castle, so her sister Josephine Wilson took over the throne. No one knows how she died, or who may have killed her. But then when Josephine died, Eleanor's kid took over the throne because she was the direct blood of the ruler, hence why the kingdom is called Torland Wilds, not Wilson Wilds.

I grab the spine of a random red book from the section and crawl down to where I sat last night. I go to open the book, but I hesitate. What if my mother didn't want me to know about it for a reason? What if Josephine murdered Eleanor, and my mother doesn't want anyone to know because it will "ruin our family's legacy" as she always says to me.

I'm dragged out of my thoughts by a slam of the doors and quiet chatter before footsteps approach my seat. I look up to see a familiar face looking back at mine.

It's the girl from last night.

"Hello! Natalie- Nad- I don't know, something with an N at the start, it's nice to see you again." She says. Honestly, I've pretty much forgotten her name too.

"Nadine, yeah. Hello..."


"Hello Mae, it's nice to see you again too!" I say while smiling up at her. She smiles back and I look back down at my book, still staring at the red and green book cover. I hear Mae awkwardly shift around a bit before sitting down next to me and leaning over my shoulder.

"Whatcha reading?" She says while fidgeting with the sleeve of her cardigan. I flick my finger onto the page I'm reading and close the book so I can see the title.

"Torland Wilds – The Great History. Weird name if you ask me." I chuckle and open the book back to my page.

"What's weird about it?"

"They could have said The great history of the Torland Wilds, but they swapped it around to make it seem more edgy or mysterious. Bet when they were naming it they said that exact thing."

"Now that I think about it, it is a weird name. But what's the Torland Wilds?" Mae asks while leaning back against the shelf.

"Oh, um- it's my kingdom." I hate saying 'It's my kingdom'. It makes it seem like I own it or something, and I definitely don't want to.

"Why are you reading about your own kingdom? Wouldn't you already know about it?"

"No, I never listened when my mother would talk about it. Never really appealed to me I guess." I close the book and set it aside.

"Really? What's it like there? I think I've heard of it before- does it have lots of volcanoes?" She tilts her head to her side.

"No, a lot of plants though. It has ogres, and some of them are really nice! One gave me his daisy so I could make a flower crown. There are some elves there, and some people can make sparkles and stuff with their hands. The kingdom apparently used to have lots of magic, but it all got destroyed for some reason." I say looking down at the red book cover. I look over to Mae who is in absolute awe.

"That sounds amazing! Can you make sparkles with your hands? Is anyone in your family an elf? Do people there have wings too?" She grins, and I can practically see the sparkles in her eyes.

"I might be able to make magic with my hands, but my mother never told me how. My cousin has elf ears, and I have slightly pointed ears. No one has wings, but it would be super cool if there were!" I answer her questions and she pats her knees while grinning from ear to ear. She reaches for my ears to touch them and I move to the side.

"Oh- sorry! Your ears look pointy." She whispers while retracting her hand and folding her legs to her chest.

The warning bell rings and I frown because I have to go to my class. The library is strangely comforting.

"Ugh, I hate maths. I'll see you around, Nadine." Mae says while standing up and walking away.

"See you too, Mae!" I say while grabbing my book and standing up.

1267 words! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, again sorry that I haven't uploaded in like 4 months lol :))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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