Entering Hell

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"Bringing home strays little fox?" Hisoka asked with a straight face. That worried me a little.
"No. Helped me bring our food. This is the Inu Yokai that attacked me. Haku. This is my human. Hisoka." I learned his name while we were getting food. I had to make up for the missed 4 days so I got alot. Too much for my two arms to carry.
"Thanks for the help." I told him taking the food and putting it on a desk that was in the room and going back to take the food he was carrying.
"Rem. I'm serious." Haku had been telling me that Okami Yokai have been slowly hunting down other demons. A wolf Demon is even more dangerous than a dog Demon. But they can't transform freely like Inu Yokai. They have to stay in human form like me. And they can't grow more tails. They're just full of brute strength and predatory hunger that puts mine and and dog demon to shame. Their favorite is of course Neko Yokai and Kitsune Yokai. An Inu Yokai is troublesome for them at best but a Fox Demon and a Dog Demon working together might possibly make them think before they attack.
"I know. I'll keep my eyes open. But I'm not even going to be here. I'm going into a game. They're not gonna find me. So thanks for your worry but I still don't trust or like you enough to work with you. Especially if I have to leave Hisoka to do it." He tried to say something else but I slammed the door in his face and turned to put the rest of the food down. I didn't look at Hisoka but I knew he was glaring at me. I handed him a box of food and some tea in a bottle while I took off my cloak and hung it on the back of the chair.
"Care to explain little wolf." Hisoka finally spoke up relieving me of his intense glare. My ears were flat in guilt and my tails was slow and unfluffed.
"He caught me on the way to the cafeteria. Be told me we used to play as pups and he attacked me to see if I was as strong as my parents wanted me to be. He also wanted to test me to see if I wouldn't turn into the 10-tails under pressure and fear for mine and your life. Then he told me that wolf demons have been hunting down weaker demons and killing them. He was warning me to stay hidden for awhile." I explained to him. He sat and listened til the end before taking a bite of his food and closing his eyes. Oh man. He's really mad. My ears flattened even more.
"And you believe him? About all of it?" He asked not opening his eyes. I gulped.
"I do. You know I always know when people lie to me. I know he wasn't. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna be friends with him! He threatened you and that's unforgivable to me." My tail twitched in irritation as I spoke. I stabbed at my food angrily before eating it. He sighed and put his food down.
"Little fox, you had me worried. I thought you were telling me that you found someone like you and were leaving." He said with a sly glance and a smirk.
"That won't ever happen Hisoka!" I yelled slamming my fist down. I hated that he thinks I'm going to leave, yet he doesn't seem to care about my worries of him telling me to leave when he gets bored. I looked at him to see his eyes widened slightly. I slowly pulled my fist back and started eating my food again, suddenly it needed all of my attention.
"Is little fox having her first temper tantrum?" Hisoka asked in a purring voice. I ignored him and continued glaring at and violently eating, my food.
"Rem." No answer but I did twitch when he used my real name. I saw him stand up from the corner of my eye. He leaned down, towering over me, before whispering in my ear.
"Rem. Look at me." My ears twitched at his heartbeat and breath, so close to me. His scent from his wet hair almost over powering my sense of smell. I felt a flush in my face but didtlnt look at him.
"What about me?" I asked him putting my food down.
"Hmm?" I could tell my question caught him off guard.
"What about me? You always think I'm gonna leave it imprint on someone else tight? What about me? Knowing that you could get tired of me at any second and tell me to go away or try to kill me drives me crazy! Yet you act like you don't care! As long as I don't leave before that happens then you're okay rig-" he cut me off my gripping my jaw between his hand, making me look at him. When be had my attention his hand left its painful grip on my face and gently touched my cheek.
"So that's what makes you so angry?" He asked me with a smirk.
"Yes." I breathed. His close proximity and smell was driving me insane.
"You don't need to worry about that little fox. I find you very amusing and entertaining. I don't see myself getting worried about you anytime soon." His words stung.
"But there's still a possibility of it happening later. You don't feel the imprint bond that I do. I'll literally do anything and become anything for you. A sister, I friend, a lover, a partner, someone to take out your agressions on. But leaving isn't on that list Hisoka. Everything in me tells me to stay with you forever. No matter what my role is while I'm with you. Even if you ask me to do something away from you for awhile, I'll still be able to find you, even if its a year. And you've moved 20 different times. It's a bond that I can't ever get rid of and my biggest fear right now is losing you or you not wanting me around anymore." He had stood up and put his hands on his hips as I talked and confessed my fears to him. Now that I was finished he started to walk away and I looked down mentally cursing myself for saying my thoughts aloud. He picked the box the man Chrollo had brought and the two memory cards.
"You go first little fox. I'll follow you in." I sighed in relief and defeat as he changed the subject. I wolfed down the rest of my food without tasting it before grabbing my memory card from him and inserting it into the waiting contraption. I saw it shrowd itself in aura so I did the same. Next thing I knew I was in a room with a white haired girl who told me about the game and the rules. She handed me a ring with 3 green gems in it and told me that it allows me to use my 'book' and put cards in it to use. I walked down a thing of stairs to the outside. I knew immediately that someone was watching me as I waited under the building for my human. Another 10 minutes later I heard him coming down the stairs. I didn't turn around, just kept looking for whoever was watching us with twitching ears and a swishing tail.
"Your forgot this." He said in a whisper as I felt my cloak wrap around me.
"Someone is watching us." I grumbled with irritation when I couldn't see anyone. He tugged my hood over my head to hide my face and kept his arm ontop of my head.
"Of course. They are watching to see anyone interesting enter the game little fox. We will probably meet someone soon." His arm went from my head to my shoulders as we started walking into the open plain.
"Maybe we can pass you off as an in game character and you won't have to wear your cloak as often. Or we can just stay away from people until we find either the Troupe or the Nen Exorcist. What do you think little fox?" He asked huskily. My ears twitched violently against the hood of my cloak as a sound like swsssshhhhh approached us. It made me yelp and cover my ears from its loudness as it landed in front of us. We stopped walking and I straightened as the sound went away and a person emerged.
"A man and a kid. Give us whatever cards you have." I looked from under my hood to see 5 figures standing in front of us.
"Little fox? Would you like to have some fun or will you leave them to me?" Hisoka asked slowly taking off my hood with a sadistic smile and not looking away from the enemy.
"I'll do it. I haven't had any fun lately. Plus I need to restore my pride from a few days ago." I said with an equally sadistic smile. Hisoka took my cloak off and placed it over his arm.
"Go in then little fox." He huskily purred at me. I got in all fours and sent my bloodlust at them. My tail swishing back and forth in annoyance from the noise still.
"Acom-" I stopped a short burly man from speaking to whatever he was holding in his hand by grabbing his throat.
"What?" The others yelled.
"Care to give us your cards?" Hisoka asked still standing back a ways. 3 of the men did and I was able to kill them quickly. The other two still tried to fight back so I decided to take it slow. Enjoying their screams filling the air around us. By the time I was done they disappeared into some kind of substance, only leaving the blood in the ground behind.
"Good. We have a few cards to get us started. They really did have the worst of luck today." Hisoka chuckled as I walked back to him. He held out my cloak so I could walk into it.
"That was entertaining little fox." He cooed at me making me smile warmly at him. He blinked once and pulled my hood over my face again.
"Shall we go find the Troupe now?"
"Sure. Let them know we're here for Chrollo. Do we have to find them immediately though? Shouldn't we feel the place out a little first? I mean Chrollo should know its isn't going to be done over night. And there has to be like 10,000 or more players in the game. That's going to take time. Let's just go explore a bit." I told him with a wide smile that he couldn't see.
"Hmm. Are you getting curious little fox?" He asked me huskily.
"Of course. I'm always curious about new things." He chuckled at my response before tightening his arm in my shoulders.
"Very well. Let's go then."

Time skip brought to you by feelings and who needs em?

"Hey Hisoka?"
"Hmm? What is it little fox?" We had been walking through a city called Aiai.
"Can we get something to eat?" I asked him as my stomach growled.
"I suppose we could. After that we can find somewhere to rest for the night." He answered me with a thoughtful look. We walked into a place and sat down in a booth.
"What can I get the lovely couple?" An in game character walked up and asked us.
"Hmm? I'll have this. What about you little fox?" Hisoka looked at me across the table with his gold eyes after he pointed out an Item in the menu.
"I'll have this and this." I showed the lady the spaghetti and steak on the menu.
"Of course."
"Can I have the steak rare? Like not cooked at all?" She blinked onelce, twice, trice.
"O-o-of course. I'll be right back with your food." She smiled at us. I heard a nfufufu across the table and looked to see Hisoka watching me.
"Most people don't order their food uncooked."
"I know. But, I am a carnivore. Even I have cravings for fresh meats and stuff." He smirked and nodded.
"I suppose so. So do you want to see if we can find an Inn or sleep outside my little wild animal?" He asked me putting his chin on the back if his hand and leaning towards me.
"I don't know. An Inn would be more common sense. But I sort of wanted to go into that lake we saw outside the city a few miles back. Could we try outside the first night we're here?"

She wanted to go swimming and sleep outside. She's always liked raw meats to cooked. She must really be curious of this place.
"Sure. I'll humor your requests for tonight. As long as I get to swim with you." I told her leaning even further towards her.
"Of course. It wouldn't be fun alone."
"Does that include clothing little wolf?" She grimaced making me chuckle huskily at her.
"Well, let's go all natural tonight. But. You can't prey on an innocent maiden such as myself." The sarcasm in her voice made my lips twitch.
"I would never dream of such a thing maiden." She giggled from across from me and I savored the sound of it. Our food arrived and she happily dug into hers without removing her cloak hood. I watched her from under my lashes. Her confession certainly caught me off guard at Heaven's Arena, but I'll make sure to make up to her. Without her knowing I'm doing anything to make her feel better of course. Now I know how she feels and I felt a little guilt inside me. I had told her that treasure can then to trash in a moment for me. We ate in silence. She sighed in relief as she finished. I had finished mine just a few moments ago.
"Can we go swimming now?" How could I say no to those bright green eyes?
"I suppose we should go before it gets too dark."
"I wonder what the moon is like here." She mused aloud as we walked out.
"Maybe its always a full moon." I humored her musings making her giggle again. We came to the lake after almost 15 minutes of walking through and out if town.
"Ready?" She asked me with slightly flushed cheeks. That color that could make me do anything for her.
"Of course little fox. I've always wanted to be naked in front of you." I told her stripping off my clothing with a smirk.

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