Eternal Torture (Prologue)

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Liverpool 1760, A young boy with black short hair stood in an expensive 18th century suit along with his mother and father, a young girl with (Hair color) hair stood next to the young boy wearing an expensive 18th century dress.

"It is said that blood is thicker than water, it is what defines us, binds us, curses us."

"Come along love, come on let's go Barnabas, (Name) you to." The older man said gesturing for his wife to go up first before following her. Barnabas and (Name) didn't say anything heading up the ramp. Barnabas looked towards another young girl around their age with brown hair who slightly glares at (Name).

"For some blood means a life of wealth and privilege for others a life of servitude"

Barnabas looks forward again grabbing (Names) hand as he led his best friend up onto the boat. "Angelique! how many times have I told you not to stare at him, remember your place!" A cloaked figure scolded the young girl grabbing her arm. 


"When I was but a boy, and (Name) only a girl her parents had been taken by an illness my father took her with us to the new world, to expand the Collins family empire. we brought English industry to the wilds of Maine and built a fishing business the likes of which America had never seen."

The family of three and (Name) stood on top of a hill overlooking Collinsport and their ever-growing fishing business. Barnabas and his father walked along the main dock, looking up at a sign that read 'Collinsport' "A man should take pride in what he builds, but remember Barnabas, family is the only real wealth, hmm?" His father smiled down at him. 

"What about (Name)?" Barnabas asked, His father only chuckled "I think we can add (Name) into that rule" Barnabas nodded enthusiastically as his father ruffled his hair. leading him to walk further into the port.

"As our business grew, the town of Collinsport grew with it and we decided to put down permanent roots."

The family and (Name) now stood outside of a massive manor, Barnabas' mother holding onto her husband's arm while Barnabas held onto (Names) hand.

"We spent the next 15 years building our beloved home Collinswood."

An older Barnabas and (Name) stood outside of the now built-up manor, Barnabas wore an expensive 18th century suit a cane in hand while (Name) wore an equally expensive 18th century dress.

"But not everyone shared in our family's success." 

In a secluded room in the manor an older Angelique held Barnabas' face as she kissed him before pulling away "Je t'aime, let me hear you say 'I love you Angelique', 'I want you'" Barnabas looked at her for a moment as she lent in again. He grabbed her arms stopping her "Angelique. I am sorry my dear, you would be hearing a lie" Barnabas shook his head.

Angeliques gaze went dark "it's that wench isn't it" she spat. "I am sorry I do not return your feelings Angelique, but I will not let you insult her that way" Barnabas glared harshly at her dropping her arms and walking off buttoning up the top buttons of his blazer.


Angelique now stood Infront of witchcraft items, picking up a concrete seahorse "Make the high and mighty low. Arrogant creatures, down you go." she cursed. 


outside in the courtyard, Barnabas' mother and father walked arm in arm. (Name) walking slightly Infront of them as she spoke with Barnabas' mother about the new school the Port was planning on funding. 

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